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  1. J

    Bought Some New Plants

    anyone?? :sad:
  2. J

    How Do I Plant......

    The only reason I can think of roots rotting is because you've planted them too deep in the substrate. As for the sand and toxic gases thing, All you need to do to avoid it is to stir the sand a little now and then. Like once every time you do a water change.
  3. J

    Average Costs?

    Most times, If you have to ask you can't afford it. But quite honestly 20 to 30 bucks a month is what's the most it can run you.
  4. J

    Bought Some New Plants

    Bought some new plants at my lfs, Got 1 bunch of golden lloydiella and 2 bunches of hornwort. Are they any special cares I should know about? ie; lights and co2? I know the hornwort is a floating plant but I used the lead weights it came with from the lfs. I have a sand substrate currently...
  5. J

    Undergravel Filters

    Honestly if your worried about unsightly hob filters, I recommend the ebay canister filters. Also known as Perfect and SunSun. If you read the reviews a lot of people on forums recommend them. Honestly I just bought one and can't wait to try it out. You can't beat 40 shipped. :good: They also...
  6. J

    Can Anyone Give Me Some Good Begginner Floating Plants?

    Oops sorry didn't see that your looking for floating plants. Moss balls the one they sell at your lfs will be a good floating plant.
  7. J

    Can Anyone Give Me Some Good Begginner Floating Plants?

    Java Moss won't be a good candidate but it would make a really nice moss wall. I'd try posting in the Planted Tank Section. Have you tried bamboo plants?
  8. J

    What Do You Guys Do Or Add During A Weekly Water Change?

    Great I just thought I was missing out on somethings to do. Pretty much I do the same as you guys and haven't lost a fish since my aquarium's been up
  9. J

    What Do You Guys Do Or Add During A Weekly Water Change?

    What do you guys add during your weekly water changes or before adding new fish? I usually do the water change then mix the water conditioner and add aquarium salt per directions. Are there other things you guys do to keep stress for the fish down?
  10. J

    Any Knifefish Keepers?

    me and my girlfriend, got one today. really loving the way it looks in the tank, sand substrate and is pretty active. thought they were supposed to be nocturnal? it's a brown knife that we got from a mom and pop lfs. doing pretty well in the tank so far. will take a pic soon!
  11. J

    Peacock eel feeding troubles

    You can buy blackworms online, They seem to love it. That's what I fed my peacock eel. Also use a turkey baster to force the worms it's way.
  12. J

    Any Eel Keepers

    I have a spiny peacock eel, Love him. They're awesome I'd like to take a pic of him for you guys soon but it's hard to catch him when he's not hiding.
  13. J


    Thanks for the welcome's everyone, It was hard to make a decision on what forums to join and I found this one to be the most helpful! :good: I'll post some pics of it soon, I'm changing it from a gravel substrate to sand and am very excited :hyper: lol
  14. J

    How Much Sand Do I Need To Fill A 120 Gallon Tank ?

    play sand is usually about 50, So just grab 5 bags of it if your not sure. At 4 dollars a bag you can't really go wrong to have some extra on your hands. :dunno:
  15. J

    Fluval 204 In Planted Tank

    Hi guys, I'm getting a good deal on a fluval 204, for my lightly planted tank. It's a 30 gal with 4 bamboo stalks 8 inch piece of drift wood and a moss ball, But shortly down the road I'm going to add more plants ie. moss wall and some java leaves. Would that filter accommodate what I'm going...
  16. J

    Want Better Filtration

    I've been looking at the fluval filters...But will take this over to the planted tank sections. Thank you guys!
  17. J

    Want Better Filtration

    Hi, New to the site not to fish, I currently have a Aqueon HOB filter setup for a 40 gal. It's okay....Not the best thing in the world. Would like something a whole lot better that won't go through filters. it has that 4 stage filtration system thingy. Not really what to call it but I guess it...
  18. J


    Hi, I've been caring for fish for quite sometime now, But never thought of joining a fish forum :good: I'm not new to the hobby, Have a pretty healthy tank with 5 silver dollars 2 rosy barbs 1 spiny peacock eel which is my favorite :wub: and 3 siamese alage eaters. Also can't forget about the...