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  1. T

    Cories Are Sick

    I hope somebody can help my pygmy cories, they are relatively new fish that were introduced into a cycled 5.5 gallon tank with some live plants. Tank stats are 0 ammonia o nitrite 10-20 nitrate 7.6-7.8 ph Only Pro Plant and Prime added to tank. Three of them were bought a month ago or so and...
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    When To Just Quit

    a few of the fish had sunken bellies with slightly bent spines (maybe just the illusion of bent spines since their bellies were so sunken. I fed the metro mixed in frozen brine shrimp for almost two weeks (12 days). In that period a couple more fish also developed symptoms,so I thought that the...
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    When To Just Quit

    what kind of bacterial med? I'm not from the UK. What active ingredients should I look for? Is Maracyn 1 or 2 for internal bacterial infections. I thought metro cured that, which I already tried. Thanks Wilder.
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    When To Just Quit

    symptoms: First, they gradually became lethargic and lose their appetite. Then they get skinnier and skinner, until they have sunken bellies and become even more inactive. It also looks as though they are breathing heavily near the end. They also continue to have white poo, sometimes stringy...
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    When To Just Quit

    no livebearers, just a couple kinds of danio.
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    When To Just Quit

    I have done ammonia and nitrite tests and the meds didn't impact the filter, I'll try some more water changes. I out some carbon in 2 days ago and stopped medicating because it didn't seem to do much good. I think you guys are right, I have to strip it down and clean it. Just out of curiosity...
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    When To Just Quit

    Thought I'd start a new thread rather than add to the old one, but I have lost over half my fish and don't know what to do. My tank has been medicated far too long. I have tried both Mertronidazole (2 weeks) and PraziPro (praziquantal), and still the fish are wasting away, have white poo, and...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    Looks like the meds are working five days after the initial dose. I plan on doing a large water change and dosing once more, just to be sure that it is gone. Do I have to back up this treatment with bacterial meds? I still have some metro leftover but don't want to over-medicate the tank. I...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    I have API aquairum salt, should I add some? Never used it before, no idea how to add it and when I should do water changes with the PraziPro. Sorry for all the questions, I am concerned about losing all my fish to this disease.
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    it isn't that the original sick zebra danio hadn't gotten completely better that worried me, it was the fact that in quick succession I have more infected fish now. I don't understand, if the med was working, why were the healthy fish starting to get symptoms after eating the medicated food for...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    I got some peas to feed them, and discovered another zebra danio is not eating and acting lethargic. No changes in the other two. I don't think metro is working :unsure: Maybe I'll try something with PraziPro or Jungle Parasite Clear. Does this sound like a good idea? I don't know what else to...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    I was told that 10-14 days for metro, so the fish are definately near the end of their treatment (9 days). I don't think its camallanus (sp?) worms because I have never seen the red worms that are supposed to be visible outside the fish's vent. There's definately some improvement in the zebra...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    I just noticed the zebra danio still has white, stringy poo. He is still a little skinny and is not back to his normal self, athough he is looking better. It has been almost 9 days now, should things be much better after this many days of treatment? Also, the golden danio is still hiding away...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    Thought I'd post an update. I have been feeding both tanks food soaked in Metro for a week now, and the zebra danio in the 15 gallon that was not doing well seems alot better. There is one gold danio who was also not doing well, but is also not eating so I have dosed the tank a couple times to...
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    Seachem Metronidazole

    thanks Tolak
  16. T

    Seachem Metronidazole

    Hello, I am treating two tanks for what is likely internal parasites. I am mixing Seahcem's Metro and Garlic Guard with frozen daphnia or brine shrimp, as recommended by Seahcem. I let it stand for 30 minutes in the fridge, then feed. I freeze the leftovers, as the label says this is ok. How...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    You're right Wilder, I am medicating both tanks to be on the safe side. I am mixing Metro with Garlic Guard and frozen food. How long should I continue treatment?
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    just an update, and thanks for all the help. I didn't medicate the tank since I had to go away for a week and didn't want something to go wrong while I was away. Came back and the last sickly celestial pearl danio died a day later, the other remaining two are better than before I left so I think...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    still couldn't get any Interpret No. 9, but I picked up some Seachem Metronidazole which says it treats both internal bacterial infections and parasites. I will use it with food I think. Any thoughts on this stuff? I think I have to treat my other tank as well as a fish in there is now starting...
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    Who Hires These Clowns?

    I told to do some reading, hopefully she does. TRuth is she probably won't.
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    Pleco Out Of Water

    I don't know about plecos, but when I catch trout I try to minimize the amount of time they are out of water ( never more than 30 seconds). Some if not most fish should only be handled with wet hands since dry ones can take the protective slime away. Studies have shown that catch-and-release...
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    Who Hires These Clowns?

    My sister set up a t 10 gallon tank I gave her alost two months ago because I made her house her betta in there so it wouldn't have to live in a 1 gallon fish bowl. A month later it had cycled and she waited a week before she added two american flag fish. In that week the tank stats were fine. I...
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    Is Sand A Good Choice For An Aquarium?

    I chose sand for my new planted nano, I went with Flourite Black Sand. It's been pretty good so far, when I change the water I twirl the gravel vacuum a bit above the sand to stir up the left-over food and waste and not as much sand. It was expensive though, but I love the look.
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    thanks for the additonal input, I'll explain my set-up better. my 15 gallon has two filters, an aquaclear 30 and an Eheim 2208 internal filter, for a combined 295 gph, almost 20X turnover I think. The 5.5 gallon has an Aquaclear 20 (turned down low), which is I think 100 gph the fish in the...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    just got back home, another fish in the power filter
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    If they do have a disease I'm glad I moved them into their own tank. I couldn't find any tubifex yet and they have still refused. A couple of them are not thin at all and the other two are only moderately skinny. I think shyness and hiding are part of their usual behavior. I just don't...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    Wilder, sorry for not answering your questions, but I'm pretty sure its not a disease. A couple of the fish have gotten thinner though, but its probbly because they are starving. Haven't seen them poo cause they haven't eaten. No other abnormal behaviour or coloration, except for that they are...
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    just called the LFS where I got them, said that they are fed flakes and they love them. I decided to move them into the 5.5 gallon right away, I figured it was better than waiting and taking the chance that they die of starvation. I am also buying some tubefix worms asap. Thanks.
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    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    thanks truck, I'll look around for some but I haven't had any luck. water stats are fine, 15 gallon tank is cycled and planted with ALOT of filtration. There are 5 zebras and four glowlights in there with them. these danios don't need as much room, they're tiny and don't swim around as much...
  30. T

    Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

    posted in another forum, told to try here. I got some cpd's a c few weeks back and they won't eat anything I have offered, including crushed flake, micro pellets, daphnia, baby brine shrimp etc. Two of the six have now died, the others looked fine but are starting to also look thin. They're...
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    Celestial Pearl Danio Not Eating

    the fish are still not eating, the food just floats by. One of the fish is looking deathly thin :sad: Maybe they don't like being with the other danios, but they don't get picked on, its wierd. Nobody has any experience with picky eating? I think I'm going to put them in their own planted...
  32. T

    Flourish Excel Question

    I follow the label and dose every day, but I still had a few questions about Flourish Excel Is reducing surface disturbance just as important as when using co2 injection? Can it be "lost" before the plants can utilize it? Also, are frequent large water changes ever needed to prevent the...
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    Celestial Pearl Danio Not Eating

    I have some cpd's that seem to ignore almost eveything that I've fed them. I've tried micro pellets, crushed flakes, frozen bbs, frozen daphnia etc and they seem to ignore most of what I feed them. They're in there with glowlight danios and zebras, but there is no aggression towards the cpd's...
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    Water Changes

    I decided to do a 15-20% water change every week and see how it goes. I have been told I shouldn't need ferts on a small, low-light tank because the fish should provide enough nutrients. I thought about Flourish since it does have nitrogen listed on the label, as well as trace elements. Is...
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    Water Changes

    My tank is a fully-stocked 15 gallon, and I never seem to have alot of nitrates (0- 5ppm max) after each weekly water change (40%-50%). It is a lightly planted tank with slow-growing plants like mosses and ferns, and I think this is why my nitrates always stay low. I heard that I want them at...
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    Guidance On Stocking

    my zebras, glowlights and celestial pearl danios all get along fine. I added only 6 cpd's, but I'll probably add more to my planted tank fairly soon. They aren't as shy as I had read, they schoal with the glowlights and aren't bullied by the zebras, there's just too many danios around.
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    Low Nitrates And Bga

    Hello, I think I have the beginnings of blue green algae showing up in my 15 gallon tank. The tank is only about 4 months old. The blue green algae has been around for almost two months but hasn't spread very much at all thanks goodness. I did have some on a couple of leaves from my plants, but...
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    How Can I Java Moss My Slate Cave?

    I'm just a newbie but I have had success growing a java moss "lawn" on some slate rock. All I did was lay out the strands of moss evenly on the surface, then I took fine fishing line and wrapped it around the slate as tight as possible, making sure the moss stayed evenly spread and attached...
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    Stocking Question

    I have a 15 gallon tank and was looking to add to my stock once I'm back fro holidays. There are currently 2 zebra danios, 4 glowlight danios and an american flag fish. I was thinking that I could add 3 leopards to roundout the zebra school, and 2 more glowlights. I also want to add another...
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    Wanting To Do This Fish Tank Right....:)

    I have a 15 gallon with one 15 watt bulb Plants include anubias, different types of java fern, a moss ball, and some java moss No CO2, no ferts Plants are growing slowly, but little care required and it looks fine The plants will get enough nutrients from fish cause they're slow gowing...