Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

it isn't that the original sick zebra danio hadn't gotten completely better that worried me, it was the fact that in quick succession I have more infected fish now. I don't understand, if the med was working, why were the healthy fish starting to get symptoms after eating the medicated food for a week or more? The one zebra did slowly get better, but still has symptoms. I'm confused.

I got desperate and bought some PraziPro. I did a 50-60% water change, and dosed the tank with the prescribed amount. It says to dose once every 3-5 days, and repeat if necessary. Should I still feed the metro-laced food when dosing the water? I thought I'd heard that these two meds can mix, but the packaging says don't mix with any other meds. I know jungle Parasite Clear has metro and praziquantal. I have fed metro for 12 days so far.
Don't mix the meds if it states not too.

Try the prazipro.
I have API aquairum salt, should I add some? Never used it before, no idea how to add it and when I should do water changes with the PraziPro.

Sorry for all the questions, I am concerned about losing all my fish to this disease.
I wouldn't bother with the salt.
Looks like the meds are working five days after the initial dose. I plan on doing a large water change and dosing once more, just to be sure that it is gone. Do I have to back up this treatment with bacterial meds? I still have some metro leftover but don't want to over-medicate the tank.

I lost one danio unfortunately but the others have improved alot.
Yes I would still back up with a bacterial med.
Glad there some inprovement.
Good luck.

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