Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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posted in another forum, told to try here.

I got some cpd's a c few weeks back and they won't eat anything I have offered, including crushed flake, micro pellets, daphnia, baby brine shrimp etc.

Two of the six have now died, the others looked fine but are starting to also look thin. They're in a 15 gallon with glowlight and zebra danios. There isn't aggression, but I stil think they are too shy to eat with other fish around. very finicky fish, as I had read beefore. Told they'd be fine with other danios, they were with giants at the LFS.

I have a 5.5 gallon set up now and could use some ceramic media from my cycled tank, but the tank has only been set up for 24 hours. I heard the tank needs time to settle, how long. I was going to add established media right when adding the fish, is this right?

How much time should I wait before adding fish after setting up a brand new tank? I need to get these fish separated to feed them properly. Thanks, sorry for all the questions its hard to see fish die of hunger when flakes of food drift right past them.
I wouldn't put them in a smaller tank, danios need quite a lot of swimming space to be happy. You could try some bloodworms, most fish go crazy for them.
How many fish and which type.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, laboured breathing, erratic swimming.
Anys signs of being pale, darker in colour, listless, lethagic, laying to onside.
Do the fish look bloated or skinny.
What does it look like when the fish go to the toilet.
thanks truck, I'll look around for some but I haven't had any luck.

water stats are fine, 15 gallon tank is cycled and planted with ALOT of filtration. There are 5 zebras and four glowlights in there with them.

these danios don't need as much room, they're tiny and don't swim around as much.

I don't know if I will transfer them, anybody know how long I should wait even with the established media. Do tanks need to sit for awhile? Its onlybeen two days. There are plants in there.
just called the LFS where I got them, said that they are fed flakes and they love them. I decided to move them into the 5.5 gallon right away, I figured it was better than waiting and taking the chance that they die of starvation. I am also buying some tubefix worms asap. Thanks.
You need to look if the fish have any symtoms I asked. As not eating not only can be stress but desease.
Wilder, sorry for not answering your questions, but I'm pretty sure its not a disease. A couple of the fish have gotten thinner though, but its probbly because they are starving. Haven't seen them poo cause they haven't eaten. No other abnormal behaviour or coloration, except for that they are skittish and hang out in the back. I hope its not a disease, but none of the other danios in the tank are showing any signs of disease, they are all happy and eating except for the cpd's.
Hiding away can also mean stress to desease.
Let me know how they are going and if there eaten yet.
Hiding away can also mean stress to desease.
Let me know how they are going and if there eaten yet.

If they do have a disease I'm glad I moved them into their own tank. I couldn't find any tubifex yet and they have still refused. A couple of them are not thin at all and the other two are only moderately skinny.

I think shyness and hiding are part of their usual behavior. I just don't understand how they could eat normal flake food at the LFS, and spit out high quality frozen foods I offer them.

No signs of disease that I could see, they are actually pretty active right now when I am not close to the tank. Coloration is good, but not great.

They swim normally, except the two that died. They could barely keep themselves from swimming vertically near the end of their life :sad: I suppose it may be an internal disease which has diminished their appetite. The other danios are all really good, some are even spawning. I did a large water change on the 15 gallon just in case.
just got back home, another fish in the power filter
is the fish dead that was in the power filter.
Can you load a pic up of the fish please.

If you already lost two I think I would add a bacterial med to be on the safe side.
thanks for the additonal input, I'll explain my set-up better.

my 15 gallon has two filters, an aquaclear 30 and an Eheim 2208 internal filter, for a combined 295 gph, almost 20X turnover I think. The 5.5 gallon has an Aquaclear 20 (turned down low), which is I think 100 gph

the fish in the filter wasn't dead, I actually watched him go up :sad: I had to and his suffering humanely.

Wilder, do you mean add bacterial meds to the 15 gallon as well, where they used to be with the other danios? Do these meds harm the biological filter?

Today, some things have changed a bit. I fed them and one came up and ate a few micropellets. All of them don't look as thin as the ones that died, so I am keeping up hope, thanks for all your help.
Just do some water changes on main tank.
Use anti internal bacteria med by interpet in hospital tank.
Bless Him. R.I.P.

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