Celestial Pearl Danios Not Eating

still couldn't get any Interpret No. 9, but I picked up some Seachem Metronidazole which says it treats both internal bacterial infections and parasites. I will use it with food I think. Any thoughts on this stuff? I think I have to treat my other tank as well as a fish in there is now starting to act lethargic, won't eat (no visible signs). I noticed white poo as well. I did a big water change ~ 50% a couple days ago. Unfortunately I'll have to leave for a few days after tomorrow, my wife will have to feed the meds. What do you think, Wilder?

Forgot to mention, the water stats are good. Two of the three celestial pearl danios are now eating really well, just one is not eating, has sunken belly, and is sort of curved at the spine. The zebra danio in the 15 gallon is just lethargic, not sick looking like the other one.

Thanks for your help.
Try the med but if its camallanous worms the med might not work.

Bent spine, stringy poo, sunken in belly can be bacterial, fish tb, internal parasites.

Good Luck.
just an update, and thanks for all the help. I didn't medicate the tank since I had to go away for a week and didn't want something to go wrong while I was away. Came back and the last sickly celestial pearl danio died a day later, the other remaining two are better than before I left so I think I will refrain from medicating the 5.5 gallon. Their poo is not white, they don't have sunken bellies, their spines are perfect. Does this sound good? I don't want to risk exposing the remaining two to stress, since I believe this is what contributed to the others' death.

The danio in the 15 gallon started eating well just before I left, and still has no sign of disease. He is still somewhat shy, but I think it might be because the newest danio has taken over as the dominant one. I am starting to think nothing is wrong. I think maybe he had it from eating the peas I was feeding them, is this common? His poo is brown now maybe because they haven't had peas for awhile.

The possibility of fish tb scares me. I checked out some pictures and my fish didn't look anything like them, thank goodness. No lesions, spine not bent nearly as much, no bloating, fish don't lie on side even before dying, eyes don't bulge out, and no rapid breathing. I think I will get some gloves though for cleaning the tank.

EDIT: just saw the zebra danio that was acting shy does have white poo, I think I have a parasite problem most likely.
Its best to worm fish anyway.
I would worm the whole tank.
You're right Wilder, I am medicating both tanks to be on the safe side. I am mixing Metro with Garlic Guard and frozen food. How long should I continue treatment?
Not sure on metro never used it.
Do a thread in tropical discussion. Get more answers over there.
Good luck.
Thought I'd post an update. I have been feeding both tanks food soaked in Metro for a week now, and the zebra danio in the 15 gallon that was not doing well seems alot better. There is one gold danio who was also not doing well, but is also not eating so I have dosed the tank a couple times to see if that made a difference. It ate some bloodworms today that weren't medicated, but I haven't been able to see it poo. I might do one more dose of the tank to see if this works. I guess I'll continue feeding the tank for another week.

The two remaining celestial danios are in the 5.5 gallon still, and are still not showing any signs of sickness and eat well now. I think I'll also continue feeding medicated food to them just in case.

Thanks for all your help Wilder.
That's good news.
Good Luck.
I just noticed the zebra danio still has white, stringy poo. He is still a little skinny and is not back to his normal self, athough he is looking better. It has been almost 9 days now, should things be much better after this many days of treatment? Also, the golden danio is still hiding away and acting lethargic. Perhaps I should strat thinking about trying a new medication if things don't improve in a few days?
Depends which parasite it is.
How long do you use the metro for.
I was told that 10-14 days for metro, so the fish are definately near the end of their treatment (9 days). I don't think its camallanus (sp?) worms because I have never seen the red worms that are supposed to be visible outside the fish's vent. There's definately some improvement in the zebra, but there are still visible symptoms (white poo, still skinny). There has been no improvement in the gold danio. The two cpd's are still good also, no symptoms at all.

The packaging for Seachem Metro says it is a "safe tratment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases."
Try some peas to see if it flushes the fish throw.
Camallanous worms are only blood red when there been feeding on the host.

Look for weight gain.
I got some peas to feed them, and discovered another zebra danio is not eating and acting lethargic. No changes in the other two. I don't think metro is working :unsure: Maybe I'll try something with PraziPro or Jungle Parasite Clear. Does this sound like a good idea?

I don't know what else to do my tanks are all maintained well, lots of filtration, frquent large water changes, everything. I fell frustrated because I didn't listen to folks who said to get a quarantine tank, one mistake and now it seems like alot of effort has been wasted :/
The med might have worked but the fish were to far gone to save.
Once internal parasites have done the damage inside the fish never recovers.
If a fish is really skinny sometimes it just best to end the fish misery.
You have tryed your best. Just concentrate on the more healthy fish now.

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