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    Assassin Snails

    I don't know about apple snails, but I had an assassin snail that ate a zebra nerite snail
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    Who Poured Tea In My Tank?

    I am experiencing the same thing right now with one of my recently set-up aquariums. I personally like it much more than crystal clear water, and I believe the fish also like it (6 lemon tetras). It added a slight tea-ish tinge, not really that dark but still noticeable. I have a couple...
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    Pygmy Gourmais

    my sparkling gouramis are always nipping my zebra snails, to the point that i think they may have contributed to the recent death of one of them. They slowly inch their way towards the head of the snail when the snail is exposed and then dart out and nip hard. One of them did the same thing to a...
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    Stocking Advice

    I was wondering if some people could give me their opinion on how to stock my new 15 gallon tank. I used media from a 7 month old 5.5 gallon planted tank (sponge)and added it along with 4 lemon tetras to the new tank. I plan to let it stabilize for at least a month. I have 2 panda cories and 1...
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    How Effective Is It To Seed A New Tank?

    thanks for the replies, I'll go ahead with the plan
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    How Effective Is It To Seed A New Tank?

    Hi everybody, I was hoping somebody could offer some advice. I just setup an old 15 gallon tank yesterday and had some questions about properly starting it up with a small stock of fish. I have an extra sponge that I put in my existing filter setup to seed this new tank. I have read that I could...
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    Setting Up An Additional Tank

    I have this 15 gallon tank plus filters, heater, etc just sitting around for awhile now. I also have a 5.5 gallon heavily planted tank with 2 sparkling gouramis, 2 panda cories, shrimp and 1 pygmy cory. I would like to turn the small 5.5 gallon into a quarantine/hospital/fry tank and move these...
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    Mixing Danios

    they're the same species, just different color variation. Go ahead and mix them, they'll school just fine. I prefer the leopards, they look like small brown trout.
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    Seachem Black Fluorite Sand

    I have this stuff in my 5.5 gallon planted tank, crypts are growing really nicely and the cories love digging around it.
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    Sparkling Gourami Ate My Shrimp?

    no real bubblenest, but there are some bubbles around the floating plants but I htink they are just collecting there. I can't find another shrimp today, and the other one is hiding and didn't come out during feeding. I hope they just happen to all be molting at the same time. The ghost shrimp...
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    Sparkling Gourami Ate My Shrimp?

    Brought home a couple sparkling gouramis a few weeks ago and now it appears they have eaten one of my cherry shrimp. I don;t know for sure since I didn't see it happen, but one of the shrimp is definately gone. I noticed today one of the gouramis quickly dart out and attack a ghost srhimp...
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    Am I Overstocked

    no pics unfortunately, but I am pretty happy with how this community of fish and shrimp get along. They're all roughly the same size, which means no aggression except maybe a bit with the gouramis once and awhile.
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    Am I Overstocked

    I'd love to have more pygmys but the only LFS that carries them here stopped since people were having trouble with them. I had six in there originally and they 9except one survivor) died off months ago. I am reluctant to buy more regardless since they don't do well with our hard water...
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    Am I Overstocked

    I know I am probably a little overstocked, but wanted some of your opinions on the matter. Tank size: 5.5 gallon: heavily planted Fish: 2 sparkling gouramis, one pygmy cory (survivor), 2 panda cories (friends for survivior) Shrimp and snails: 3 cherry, 1 amano, 1 ghost, 1 zebra snail, 10...
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    Is It Ok To Crush Snails For The Fish?

    What do you guys do with the shells? I leave mine behind since they're hard to pick out of the fine sand. They're all quite small, but look nice amongst the flourite black sand.
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    Is It Ok To Crush Snails For The Fish?

    I have malaysian trumpet snails in my tank and I like to crush them against the glass for the shrimp and cories. Is this a bad idea? The fish and shrimp like them, but somebody at the LFS said it releases toxins and isn't good for the tank. What are your thoughts? Thanks.
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    Cories Are Sick

    What if a med doesn't work though, if he dies do things like septecemia and parasites stick around in the water without a host? He doesn't look nearly as bad as the others have and I'm starting to think I've already bought enough meds, and none have worked for me yet. I don't want to kill my...
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    Cories Are Sick

    ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10-20? I always do at least one 40% water change a week, sometimes more. I will keep on top of the testing, but perhaps my water quality is not the best. I think I may leave this tank as an invertebrate tank if the last poor cory dies, maybe add some shrimp and...
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    Cories Are Sick

    snails are still alive, prazipro is relatively safe for them from what I read. I do notice a couple of small red pin-pricks at the base of the fish's pectoral fin, where it looks as though he trying to sratch hen he flicks and rubs. Also, I've noticed the fish does that "fish cough" thing...
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    Cories Are Sick

    The second last fish dies the day I medicated the tank, but the remaining one hasn't gotten any worse and is not pale. I do notice he is swimming eratically and flicking a bit still. Is this normal? Its been a few days since I dosed. What do I do if the last one dies, do I continue to medicate...
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    Getting A New Tank: Help With Stocking

    American Flag Fish They're very hardy from what I've heard, and can tolerate cooler waters and various water parameters. The males are territorial, keep maybe three females and a male I'd say. They don't eat their young I don't think...
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    Getting A New Tank: Help With Stocking

    I'm also thinking about restocking my 15 gallon at the end of the month, probably heavily planted and low-light. If you like personality in fish, maybe try a few American Flag Fish. I had a single one in another tank and she had a great personality, they sort of act like cichlids a bit, but...
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    Cories Are Sick

    I'm a bit confused by your dosing advice. Do you mean do a single treatment lasting a week, then wait another 5 days before adding the second dose, or do you mean add a dose, wait a week, then add another dose, then wait a week and add a third? PraziPro label says don't combine with other meds...
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    Cories Are Sick

    great article, thanks. I dosed last night according to the label. It says a single treatment of 5-7 days is usually sufficient, but obviously I'll dose more than that. It says I can dose every 3-5 days after the initial dose. Wilder, should I dose this for two weeks and then back it up with a...
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    Cories Are Sick

    Thanks Wilder, do you mean internal flukes when you say I should treat for "flukes"? I'm assuming you don't mean gill flukes. I can't see any redness in the gills, but there is a bit of heavy breathing and the fish look almost wobbly at times. Since PraziPro says it kills flukes, should I go...
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    Starting From Scratch

    Well, I finally did it. I decided to wipe the equipment and tank down, and soak a little bit (a couple minutes). I let it air dry. One more question: How can I be sure that I get rid of all the bleach residue, is it enough to double-up on dechlor once it is filled agin?
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    Pure Metronidazole?

    I was battling a similar plight to yours that eventually wiped-out my whole tank. I did try Metronidazole, which didn't work for me altough I treated for 12 days, maybe not long enough. My fish had similar symptoms to yours, except nothing visibl on head or lateral line so probably not hexamita...
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    Cories Are Sick

    Oh I see, I started to use separate buckets, gloves, vacs etc. after I discovered the disease in th one tank. It could have been too late. I decided I will leave the tank and see what happens, if the fish die then I guess they die. I will likely turn it into a shrimp tank since the shrimp will...
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    Cories Are Sick

    No I don't sterilize them after each use, nor do I sterilize my buckets or gravel vac. Am I supposed to?
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    Cories Are Sick

    the med is called PraziPro, it says that it treats flukes on the bottle. You add it to the water column. Its a parasite med, treats other things as well. I have metronidazole as well, but I'm willing to try something else. Is it always this hard telling the difference between bacterial...
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    Cories Are Sick

    Thanks Wilder, I can easily pick up a med today, on my way back from school. I forgot another symptom, clamped fins when resting on the bottom. I'm reading some stuff and it sounds kinda like flukes. The thing is the fish started flashing almost the moment they were put in the tank. I have...
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    Cories Are Sick

    I'm down to three, with the remaining ones still flashing and two are getting paler. I watched one fish completely flip-out for a minute, it looked like it was in pain. They get paler, are flashing and rubbing, take awhile to get to the top for a gulp of air seem active one day and...
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    Starting From Scratch

    well, I now have a pretty much empty tank and I want to disinfect it really good before I restock it a month or two down the road. I have a few questions before I start. I was thinking of using chlorine bleach, since its strong but also can be taken out with de-chlorinator. Would it be ok to...
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    Do Snails Carry Fish Diseases?

    I was thinking of maybe put him somewhere else for awhile, but I don't really have anything that large that I could put him in. Would a day or so be sufficient? I can't believe I couldn't find any hints searching the net either. The fact that the sanil is alive makes me think he wouldn't have...
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    Do Snails Carry Fish Diseases?

    I have a zebra snail hanging out in a tank which was just wiped-out by what is likely a bacterial infection or parasite infestation. I have another tank I can put him in, but I am worried about spreading the disease. I love this snail, I don't want to have to kill it. I want to strip the tank...
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    Cories Are Sick

    Things haven't gotten much better at all after a week of Melafix treatment, what is this disease. Symptoms are the same fish become pale, fins are a bit frayed, not that active, some flashing and rubbing as well. What DISEASE IS THIS? Should I try a bacterial med like Maracyn Plus after running...
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    Cories Are Sick

    Things haven't gotten much better at all after a week of Melafix treatment, what is this disease. Symptoms are the same fish become pale, fins are a bit frayed, not that active, some flashing and rubbing as well. What DISEASE IS THIS? Should I try a bacterial med like Maracyn Plus after running...
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    Cories Are Sick

    the really pale fish has died a couple days ago, he was sickly looking from the beginning and really pale, though no finrot on that guy. The rest seem more active and it looks as though their fins are healing a bit and they have stopped flicking and rubbing. My fish have none of the symptoms of...
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    Cories Are Sick

    Melafix claims it helps fin rot, so I went with it. No excess mucas that I can tell. Yes, I did notice some strange swimming, some jerky some a bit wobbly. No redness that I can see, just turn pale slowly until they die. It looks like a a couple of them won't really move around to feed that...
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    Cories Are Sick

    there are 5 left, originally 6 pygmy cories in a four-month old cycled tank with a zebra snail, mts, and a few plants and moss. Sand substrate, with 2 small rocks. Filter is an aquaclear 20 with two sponges and some biomax. Flow is good. I do 50% water changes every week or so, and there is...