Getting A New Tank: Help With Stocking

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Oct 4, 2009
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OK, I am going to get a tank soon, and I would like some advise on what kinds of fish I should use.

The tanks probably going to be about 15 gallons with decent filtration. It's also going to probably be planted.

Instead of looking at the beauty of the fish, I want a tank full of fish with interesting behavior. Nothing to shy. It would be amazing if they could be hand fed, and It would

I was thinking a pair of dwarf gouramis to honor the one I had that died recently. Will that work. Also, It might be nice to get some tiger barbs (I'm not going to put them with the gouramis), but they might be to nippy for any other fish. Also, a small school of corys would be a possible addition.

Other than that, I'm stumped. Any ideas?
If you are going to keep tiger barbs, then just keep them on their own, 6 in a 15 gallon tank if you are planting it up and overfiltering it will be good.
Or, a pair of dwarf gourami and 6 cories will also work.

There are lots of options though, just going by what you are saying and what you like.

You could have a school of tetra and a bristlenose plec, you could have dwarf puffers, you could have all sorts, just depends what you like most
about dwarf puffers: do they need any super special requirements?

also, does anyone else have any ideas?
How about a large school of rasboras or maybe a betta and some cories?

Bettas have great personalities and they can be hand fed if you are patient with them.....ok i admit i am obssessed with bettas :lol:
I'm also thinking about restocking my 15 gallon at the end of the month, probably heavily planted and low-light. If you like personality in fish, maybe try a few American Flag Fish. I had a single one in another tank and she had a great personality, they sort of act like cichlids a bit, but they're really kilifish I think. They grave around in the plants and eat tons of algae, especially hair algae. They have similar . Throw in a small school of pygmy corys. I have considered this combo for restocking.

I'm likely going to go with some endler's livebearersthough, since I have another 5.5 gallon in which to raise more, and perhaps sell. I've heard they are great and breed like mad, which I look forward to witnessing.

Good Luck.
I have a betta, and they are really interesting.

As for flag fish: I haven't heard of them. Can you give me any more info?

txs for your help. Does anyone else have any more ideas?
American Flag Fish

They're very hardy from what I've heard, and can tolerate cooler waters and various water parameters. The males are territorial, keep maybe three females and a male I'd say. They don't eat their young I don't think, and the males guard the eggs.

If the tank is heavily planted you might be able to get away with three female bettas if you like them.

If I were you I would get Honey Gouramis instead of other dwarf varieties, even my sister can't kill them. They're interesting fish as well.

I like cories alot, so I'm definately saving room for a school of some kind, maybe pygmys again.
I'll look into honey Gouramis. It's just that I had a dwarf Gourami that died recently, and I thought that mayby I should honer it by getting a pair of them.

I'll think about flag fish. It would help if someone gave me some more names of fish with interesting personalities (yes, I like fish with personalities. I want this aquarium to only feature these kinds of fish, because that would make it very interesting).

txs for your help.
oh yeah, I'm thinking maybe a puffer. I don't know anything about them yet, and If I decide to get one, I'll defenetly keep it in a single specie setup. I would apreciate it if anyone could tell me if they have a personality (that's what I'm looking for.) If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please let me know.

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