Cories Are Sick

Whats your location for a med.
Scratching on objects in tank (bacteria, parasites, toxins)
Thanks Wilder, I can easily pick up a med today, on my way back from school.

I forgot another symptom, clamped fins when resting on the bottom. I'm reading some stuff and it sounds kinda like flukes. The thing is the fish started flashing almost the moment they were put in the tank. I have Praziquantal already from trying to treat my other tank, which I've had to strip-down and disinfect since the meds didn't work. I suppose it possible that the disease may have been transferred between the two tanks.

Thanks Wilder, I can easily pick up a med today, on my way back from school.

I forgot another symptom, clamped fins when resting on the bottom. I'm reading some stuff and it sounds kinda like flukes. The thing is the fish started flashing almost the moment they were put in the tank. I have Praziquantal already from trying to treat my other tank, which I've had to strip-down and disinfect since the meds didn't work. I suppose it possible that the disease may have been transferred between the two tanks.
Corys are more prone to bacterial infections. But it sounds more like a parasite to me.

What does this med threat. Praziquantal.

Are you in the united states or uk.

Clout, Fluke-Tabs, Quick Cure, Formalin, Paragon, Trifon, Parasite Guard,
the med is called PraziPro, it says that it treats flukes on the bottle. You add it to the water column. Its a parasite med, treats other things as well. I have metronidazole as well, but I'm willing to try something else. Is it always this hard telling the difference between bacterial infections and parasites?

I use latex gloves when cleaning the tank, could this be the cause?
The problem with flukes is that you have to tetreat to kill the young as they hatch.
Flukes are hard to get rid of.
Also flukes cause bacterial infections as the parasite carry a nasty bacteria in there hooks or suckers, which enter the blood stream of the fish when it pierces the skin.

Do you use NEW latex gloves everytime.
If not do you steralise them after use.
No I don't sterilize them after each use, nor do I sterilize my buckets or gravel vac. Am I supposed to?
If a tank has parasites or a desease yes.

If you don't steralise equipment after use desease can pass from tank to tank.
Oh I see, I started to use separate buckets, gloves, vacs etc. after I discovered the disease in th one tank. It could have been too late. I decided I will leave the tank and see what happens, if the fish die then I guess they die. I will likely turn it into a shrimp tank since the shrimp will likely not contract a fish disease from what I hear. Maybe after a month or two I'll try fish in the tank again. I just don't want to strip it down like the other tank I just did, since its heavily planted and has snails I'd like to kepp. Thanks Wilder.
I will still treat for flukes. There nasty little things. Take some time getting rid of.
Thanks Wilder, do you mean internal flukes when you say I should treat for "flukes"?

I'm assuming you don't mean gill flukes. I can't see any redness in the gills, but there is a bit of heavy breathing and the fish look almost wobbly at times.

Since PraziPro says it kills flukes, should I go with that? What is a good alternative in canada?

When you say it takes awhile to get rid of it, does it need a fish host to stay alive? Will it eventually go away with a fish-less tank?

Sorry for all the questions
Get you a good link to flukes.

Fish can get internal flukes aswell as external flukes.

If the prazipro treats flukes use that.
Read instructions to see when you redose again.
The med should kill the adult parasites straight away, but then you have to keep treating to kill the young as they hatch.
The gills can also look pale with excess mucas with flukes.

Scroll down to flukes.
great article, thanks. I dosed last night according to the label. It says a single treatment of 5-7 days is usually sufficient, but obviously I'll dose more than that. It says I can dose every 3-5 days after the initial dose. Wilder, should I dose this for two weeks and then back it up with a med like metro for two weeks? Should I perhaps go three weeks with the prazipro, just to be sure I kill all the newly hatched ones (prazipro doesn't kill the egss). Thanks
Do the 5 to 7 day treatment.
5 days after that again.
Then say another week later.

Then after the first treatment is up use some maracyn if you get get the med in canada.
I'm a bit confused by your dosing advice. Do you mean do a single treatment lasting a week, then wait another 5 days before adding the second dose, or do you mean add a dose, wait a week, then add another dose, then wait a week and add a third?

PraziPro label says don't combine with other meds, how can I use bacterial med?

I can get Maracyn in Canada, but since I have mteronidazole could I use just that?

Last night another one died, now I'm down to two. One of the two looks relatively good bu the other probably won't make it.

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