Cories Are Sick

Sorry for not making myself clear.
Do the 5 to 7 day treatment.
Wait 5 to 7 days after treatment finished then add the med again

Then maybe wait 2 weeks and do another round of meds.

Add the maracyn after the first round had finished. Water change and run black carbon before you use the maracyn.


You could use it but it's a internal wormer and bacterial med all in one.

Or just buy a bacterial medicated food if the fish are still eating.
The second last fish dies the day I medicated the tank, but the remaining one hasn't gotten any worse and is not pale. I do notice he is swimming eratically and flicking a bit still. Is this normal? Its been a few days since I dosed.

What do I do if the last one dies, do I continue to medicate with the Prazipro? (all I have are snails).

How long should I wait until I introduce a new fish? A month or two?

Thanks Wilder
Are you removing the dead snails as they can become toxic to fish when they start to rot.

I would of thought once the med was added they would be some improvement, as the med killed the adult parasites.

No tiny red pin prick marks or red sores on the fish body.

Bless Him.

If there no improvement I would consider getting another fluke med.

Need to look at your latest water stats.
snails are still alive, prazipro is relatively safe for them from what I read.

I do notice a couple of small red pin-pricks at the base of the fish's pectoral fin, where it looks as though he trying to sratch hen he flicks and rubs. Also, I've noticed the fish does that "fish cough" thing sometimes.
Red pin prick marks can indicate parasites to septicemia.

I think I would change meds.
Try and get clout.
Though this med is strong and will probably kill the snails if you don't remove them from the tank.
ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10-20? I always do at least one 40% water change a week, sometimes more.

I will keep on top of the testing, but perhaps my water quality is not the best. I think I may leave this tank as an invertebrate tank if the last poor cory dies, maybe add some shrimp and more plants.
Manufacturer: Aquarium Products
A very strong and effective medication for parasitic and protozoan infestations. Treats: Ich, Hydra, leeches, Planaria, Epistylis, Trichodina, Hexamita,Tetrahy-mena, body fungus, digenetic flukes, parasitic copepods, monogenetic flukes and anchor worms.

To be honest there not that many fish anyway you can keep in a 5 gal tank.
There a betta, white cloud minnows, dwarf puffer,etc.
What if a med doesn't work though, if he dies do things like septecemia and parasites stick around in the water without a host?
He doesn't look nearly as bad as the others have and I'm starting to think I've already bought enough meds, and none have worked for me yet. I don't want to kill my snails either, my mts are good for my plants and I like the zebra and assassin. I will have a quaratine in the near future, but space is low right now.

Thanks Wilder

Thanks Wilder,

If all your fish die I would strip the tank down and steralise everything and start again.

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