Mixing Danios


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Derby, England
I have 3 Zebra Danios which are cycling my tank and want to add 3 more when its done so they can school together. My question is that can i add any type of Danio such as Leopard or blue or do they have to be more Zebras???
I have 3 Zebra Danios which are cycling my tank and want to add 3 more when its done so they can school together. My question is that can i add any type of Danio such as Leopard or blue or do they have to be more Zebras???

My boyfriend has both zebra and leopard danio in his tank. I would think it's ok to mix them.
they're the same species, just different color variation. Go ahead and mix them, they'll school just fine. I prefer the leopards, they look like small brown trout.
Thanks for the advice, ive added three leopard danios, they've been in for a week now and there all fine. The leopards do look nice and its good seeing them all school together as the zebras didnt really do tis with just the three of them.

Im going to add a cory next and then maybe add some more danios a few weeks after as its my first tank and think im going to go for a hardy "easy" to look after fish to get used to fish keeping before i get more daring!!

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