Search results

  1. deanrar

    Wanted: Snails Of Any Kind Pest To Pretty, Especially Mts

    Hiya, I'm from romford in essex and as many as i can get my hands on really, for looks in my little tanks if not for my loaches for a varied diet
  2. deanrar

    Wanted: Snails Of Any Kind Pest To Pretty, Especially Mts

    Trying to round up a load of snails of any sort for my tropical tanks, got 3 small tanks (snail friendly) that i was wanted colourful interesting snails for and a 350L tank with loaches that'll munch on anything snail like so after as many as possible for those guys.  Give me a PM if you have...
  3. deanrar

    Red Severums Or Something Similar As A Centerpeice For My Tank? Opinio

    haha, i do have some amazon sword but its pretty tatty so they can munch it and i'm sure they will, went to get some this weekend but none of my lfs had red sevs so looks like i'll be going further afield to get them sometime this week, really gutted i could not get any
  4. deanrar

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails Basildon Essex

    hi, really sorry i didnt reply earlier but have pm'd, happy to take as many as you have going lol
  5. deanrar

    Red Severums Or Something Similar As A Centerpeice For My Tank? Opinio

    I've got to say i do really like the look of the cupid cichlids and yeh i've had some problems with my plants floating in bits before lol, but I think I will give the sevs ago, just wanted to make sure there was no1 out there to talk me out of them (with good reason ofcourse), i'll get some pics...
  6. deanrar

    Malaysian Trumpet Snails Basildon Essex

    I'd be happy to grab a bunch off of you, am just down the road and am after some
  7. deanrar

    Red Severums Or Something Similar As A Centerpeice For My Tank? Opinio

    Hi, I tried this topic in the normal tropical discussions but thought I may get more joy in here.  I have had my trigon 350 litre for a few years now, but I lost my centerpiece fish my blood parrot cichlid and can't decide what to get to take over the reigns. I have a fluval FX5 filter and the...
  8. deanrar

    Ideas On My 350Litre Corner Tank

    Would anyone be able to recommend maybe red severums as they are great looking fish but i don't know how they will get on in my tank setup?
  9. deanrar

    Ideas On My 350Litre Corner Tank

    hi, cheers fpr the suggestions, I have kept angels before and to be honest if i can't think of anythingesle they were my back up lol, I've never kept keyholes but was thinking of something a little brighter and chunkier. I've also kept paradise fish and both times they terrorised my tanks so...
  10. deanrar

    Selling: Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    would definitely be up for grabbing a bunch off of you
  11. deanrar

    Ideas On My 350Litre Corner Tank

    Hi, just looking for a few opinions, I have had my trigon 350 litre for a few years now, but I lost my centerpiece fish my blood parrot cichlid and can't decide what to get to take over the reigns. I have a fluval FX5 filter and the tanks inhabitants are 10 clownloach (6 juvinile, not even 2...
  12. deanrar

    Wondering What To Do In My Tank

    got my group of 6 congo tetras a few weeks ago but wondered if any1 thought i could get anything else or just leave it as is? was looking at rainbow fish or something for the very top of the tank
  13. deanrar

    Wondering What To Do In My Tank

    had a big clear out, only left in the angel, 2 3 spot gourami, the panchax, 6 cories, 2 weather loach, the whiptail cat, the red parrot and 2 ancistrus. Just wondered if its worth taking anything else out and what i could add to be interesting and wouldnt be too timid. As in my previous post...
  14. deanrar

    Wondering What To Do In My Tank

    hi, i have actually been thinking or getting rid of some or all of my clowns as they hide 90% of the time and as for the whiptail it spends most of its time on my moss balls and wood with my ansistrus so i assume he gets most of wot he needs from there, but he does venture to the front of the...
  15. deanrar

    Wondering What To Do In My Tank

    Hi i have a trigon 350 litre tank which i planted with alot of amazon swords, moss balls, java moss in places, eloda and onion bulbs, its a sand substrate and has loads of wood and slate for the fishies to hide. In at the moment are: A whiptail cat, 1 angel 1 red parrot fish Pair of 3 spot...
  16. deanrar

    Hi, Plant Id If Possible, Not Got A Clue What It Is

    As i said in the topic, I was wondering what kind of plant this is, its grown rampantly in one of me tanks and grows very tall and even out of the water if left untrimmed.
  17. deanrar

    Plants Not Looking Too Healthy

    awesome thanks very much
  18. deanrar

    Plants Not Looking Too Healthy

    hi, thanks for your help, will the potassium nitrate be ok with the kuhli loach as i have heard they can be sensitive to some supplements
  19. deanrar

    Plants Not Looking Too Healthy

    Hi, i have a 30 gal tank with amazon sword and they are growing ok but going a little yellow i was wondering if there is any supplements that might perk them up, the only problem i have is that i have kuhli's so do not want anything that could potentaly be harmful to them. Any help or advice...
  20. deanrar

    5 Tanks In To 2 (cutting Down) But What To Keep And With Who?

    Right i'm fairly sorted just need some opinions on numbers for the groups of fishies. top level: tank 1 - hatchets not sure how many Tank 2 - panchax (got 3 thinking of upping to 6) Middle level: red phantoms one (thinking about 10 - 12?) glass cats got 8...
  21. deanrar

    5 Tanks In To 2 (cutting Down) But What To Keep And With Who?

    hi, still got the puffers but in a tank that will be staying with me parents, they'r still going great, but have got a seperater in the tank coz 2 didnt get on. and kuhli's staying sucking loach going and did want to keep the clowns but will probably wait a bit and see what i can get from the...
  22. deanrar

    5 Tanks In To 2 (cutting Down) But What To Keep And With Who?

    So i have 5 tanks but have recently moved house so am cutting down to just the 2 tanks, i've already traded a few fish to lfs around but now can't decide what to keep. 1 tank in 90 litre 2 footer and 1 is a 130 litre tall 2 footer. The fish i still have left are a few kuhli loach, clown loach...
  23. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank Ideas Or Advice Welcome

    Hi, have put my gourami and glass cats in there, i will leave it for a while but will there be anything else i can put in with them that i already have? or anything else that will be interesting? heres a pic so far:[/img]
  24. deanrar

    Wanted: Aqua One Ar 620/ Ar620t Stnad (any Colour)

    been a while since i was on here last but am still looking for a stand to fit an aqua one 620
  25. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank Ideas Or Advice Welcome

    yeh thats the "golden loach" in the tank at the moment and the others in my other tank are Does any1 think either my congo tetra or glass catfish will be ok in the tank with maybe a juvinle krib or the gourami?
  26. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank Ideas Or Advice Welcome

    I meant golden loaches in the tank which look just like kuhli's but i do have sucking loaches in another tank but have no idea what type they are the fish shop just said sucking loaches when i was after something to clean up some algae
  27. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank Ideas Or Advice Welcome

    Hi, i've been in the process of scaling down my tanks and have an aqua one AR-620 Tank dimentions 62x38x53cm 90 liters The tank is partialy planted with amazon sword, valis and moss balls so far with bogwood and a couple of caves. So far i have a 5 kuhli loaches, a couple of sucking loach...
  28. deanrar

    Wanted: Aqua One Ar 620/ Ar620t Stnad (any Colour)

    as in topic i'm lookinhg for a stand, well actually 2, for an aqua one ar 620/ 620t in any colour either in and round essex for pickup (closer to Romford the better) or if willing to deliver just let me know the price, cheers for looking Dean
  29. deanrar

    Just Got My First Extrenal Filter And Need To Know How To Set Up (no B

    its second hand and i guess they threw the instrutions away
  30. deanrar

    Just Got My First Extrenal Filter And Need To Know How To Set Up (no B

    As topic says i've got my first extrenal filter to replace a couple of litttle internal ones i've got. The filter is a eheim professional 2 and i just wondered if any1 can explain how to set it up (pics would be useful too, or if there are decent websites for it. Oh and another point it used...
  31. deanrar

    My Kribs Had Babies

    the babies are in my 3 footer with the mummy everything else is in breeding nets so they will not eat them
  32. deanrar

    My Kribs Had Babies

    thank you very much i'm really excited about it as i've only bred livebearers before and will add pics when they get a bit bigger
  33. deanrar

    My Kribs Had Babies

    i am using two filters from other tanks too (should of said that) so hopefully all the good bacteria is in there already (well enough good bacteria, sounds like an actimel advert) and my brother has a test kit so will need to nick it soon to do some tests
  34. deanrar

    My Kribs Had Babies

    the tanks i took the water from have been established for over a year and half was new and had guppies in there to get it going then got the kribs in with a baby red tailed black shark (now in a breeding net and two blue gourami (only small and now in breeding nets), i didnt do any tests so am...
  35. deanrar

    My Kribs Had Babies

    I have had my krib tank set up for about 2 weeks now and a pair in there from the start (used mature tank water from other tanks) well my female disapeared about a week ago and i feared the worst until yesterday she turned up in a little cave attackin anythnig that went near so i wondered...
  36. deanrar

    Setting Up A Krib Tank

    Heres my Kribensis tank so far: the whole tank A little hide away Another hideing place for them I'm hoping to soon get a pair of kribs to breed (the water and filter are from one of my mature tank and is a bit blurry because of the new sand as i don't think i rinsed it out enough (but...
  37. deanrar

    Neon Or Cardinal Tetras

    heres the tank: lots of elodea densa on the left and loads of hornwort on the right for hiding and gave them some space in the middle for swimming
  38. deanrar

    Neon Or Cardinal Tetras

    Last week i bought a group of both (asked for 6 of each and got 6 neoens but 9 cardinals) so will see how they go myself now but have already lost one neon after a couple of days but the rest look fine, will chuck some pics up of my tank when i can borrow some1s digital camera as my phones...