Ideas On My 350Litre Corner Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
Hi, just looking for a few opinions, I have had my trigon 350 litre for a few years now, but I lost my centerpiece fish my blood parrot cichlid and can't decide what to get to take over the reigns. I have a fluval FX5 filter and the tanks inhabitants are 10 clownloach (6 juvinile, not even 2 inches), 10-12 various corydoras, 1 African butterfly fish, 2 bistlenose plecs, 3 balloon rams, loads of mts to mix up the sand (never really see them). The tank is mainly planted in the centre with amazon sword, java moss and java fern and a few moss balls hanging about and has various peices of wood up the sides to give lots of cover for those that like to hide. So what do you all think? I am wanting something big and bright enough to hold its own but not batter the rest of me fish, any ideas would be jawesome, cheers.
paradise fish ---> read that these will attack fish that look like itself or a gourami.
Apistogramma cacatuoide, males are very colourful
2-3 powder blue gouramis would look nice, punch of blue colour :D
hi, cheers fpr the suggestions, I have kept angels before and to be honest if i can't think of anythingesle they were my back up lol, I've never kept keyholes but was thinking of something a little brighter and chunkier. I've also kept paradise fish and both times they terrorised my tanks so I'll give them beasties a miss although they do look great, I've gotta say I've never heard of the Apistogramma cacatuoide (cockatoo chiclid as i just looked it up :) ), but was looking for a bigger cichlid to take the mantle left by my blood parrot as he was a big ol fatboy, but I may go down the gourami route, thanks again for your suggestions, any1 with any other ideas I'd really appreciate it.
Would anyone be able to recommend maybe red severums as they are great looking fish but i don't know how they will get on in my tank setup?

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