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  1. J

    beginner corals

    sps are hard corals. very difficult for begginers. i ran my tank for 1 month dosing it every day with b-ionic calcium. then i added my clean up crew. 2 weeks later i added 3 fish. then i added my corals. i've got five in there now and i really don't know what 3 of them are, they're pretty cool...
  2. J

    Considering a reef tank....

    i use pc's on my reef for now. they work just fine for my soft corals. my anemone is also doing just fine; however, i'm going to upgade to metal hailide soon. i also have the incredible urge to get a clam, but i'll definetly upgrade the lights first.
  3. J

    How many fish?

    i have one clown, one yellow tang, one algae blenny and one tiny damsel in 50 gallon. i don't plan to buy anymore fish (it might be a little cramped already)imo. to have that many fish in a 20 gallon tank would be pushing it. especially the tangs, they love lots of space. if you want that many...
  4. J

    Marine Setup

    don't buy a kit. you need a tank, stand, canopy(optional) 50lbs of live rock, base rock, live sand, 2-3 bags(optional, you can culture other types of substrate for cheatper). Buy a "good" skimmer, you won't need one at first unless you buy uncured live rock. set up a sump underneath the tank for...
  5. J


    i spent $2000 bucks starting my 50 gallon reef, and i still havent upgraded to metal hailides. sw is not a cheap hobby but, for me, it's worth the money. with regards to my 125 gallon fish only, i got the tank from a friend, and probably dropped another 2 grand into setting up properly.
  6. J

    Took the plunge yesterday

    sweet, 120+ gallons in the dinning room. thats where i have my 125 set up. it creates a nice evironment when i have guests over or just want to snack on some food and watch the fish. do you want to do reef or fish only? i love my reef tank, but my fish only is my true pride and joy.
  7. J


    well, it's accepting food, still looks good, mouth is shut and it's body is not closed up. it actually appears to be very healthy. it contiues to circle around the tank but has not yet anchored. i adjusted some of the flow in the tank so there is less circulation but i don't know what else to...
  8. J

    snails in the sump

    i have some algae building up in my refugium from constant light. if i toss a few turbo snails in there will they eat my chaetomorpha? also, if they won't eat the macro, will the constant light stress them out if i leave them in there? or is there a better way to keep this nuisance algae to a...
  9. J

    Took the plunge yesterday

    thats good. i'd give it some time to let everything in the tank balance out. wait one week, then test your water. consult your lfs at this time. if everything is okay then start off with your clean up crew. just remember, in this hobby, patients will often be rewarding, while haste will often...
  10. J

    Took the plunge yesterday

    is yout lr cured or uncured? when i set mine up, my lfs (who gets all my money anyway) sold me cured rock for the price of uncured. i let the tank run for three weeks dosing it everyday with b-ionic calcium and once a week with reef complete and coral-vital. i took my water back to the shop...
  11. J

    Beginner's marine tank

    55 galllons is big enough for a fish only tank; however, a fish only tank should be as big as you can get. salt water fish need room. lots of room. sure, you can buy a smaller tank, it will work, but what you can put in this tank is limited. i have a 125 gallon tank and i still find myself...
  12. J

    Moray eels

    eels are pretty hardy. sometimes it is difficult at first to get them to eat, but eventualy they will. they like large ammounts of space. at night, they will rome around. if you keep them in a small tank, they will climb out if you don't have a lid. they also like lot's of places to hide. my...
  13. J


    i fed it last week. i put some krill in the tank and the clown fed it i believe. i didn't see it happen because it turned around, but the piece of krill was gone so i assumed that it ate. i'll try again this afternoon. jim
  14. J

    Canisters media

    Canister filters will turn into nitrate facotries unless cleaned very often. They are also a pain in the a#$ IMO. Without the media, they will not do this; however, it will also no longer be a filter. What it will be, is a safe place for pods to grow that will feed you fish. It will also turn...
  15. J


    he's open, not anchored. i have however, noticed some, not much deterioration in it's tentacles. it's mouth is shut almost always, it doesn't smell bad and it still sticks to my hand when i touch it. i have been doing alot of resarch, and appearently they can be quite a bit of trouble. if i...
  16. J


    oh yeah, my tank is 55 US gallons and about 18 inches deep.
  17. J


    i picked up a purple sebae anemone last week. i seems healthy, it's colors are bright, and my clown fish has taken to it already, but it hasn't anchored yet. i read on another thread that this may take weeks. my question is, how do i know if the anemone is healthy in the mean time? is there...
  18. J

    Filter ?

    Over time the bio wheel will become so cultured with nitrifying bacteria, that it will create too much nitrate. Nitrate is not a big deal in fresh water tanks; however, you will find that nitrate will cause problems in your sw tank. Your best form of bio filtration will grow in your live rock...
  19. J

    rising nitrates

    If you have any q's, I can email you some photos of how I've got my tanks set up. Jim.
  20. J

    rising nitrates

    UGF's were very common in 1980's. They work very well with fresh water from what I hear. However, I can say that the UGF is probably why your nitrate is rising. If you have the money, ditch the ugf. Add as 1 pound of live rock per gallon in your tank, including what you already have. This will...
  21. J


    That's great, thanks :D When I do cultivate the macro, can i grow the clippings in my other sump, or should I just buy some more? Jim
  22. J


    does anyone know anything about chaetomorpha? i mean lighting, cultivating and optimal water conditions? i just got some off ebay for my sump and none of my lfs no much about it.
  23. J

    pumps and powerheads

    Well, you don't want to turn your tank into a blender, so be careful not to get one too powerful. All the power heads I have in both my tanks are labeled as Pumps/Power Heads on the box. CA, and Rio are the two brands that all of my lfs recommend.
  24. J

    Aquarium sump

    Aquadirect This site should be of assistance. You want to get the cpr brand. Also, buy the rio 600 pump that goes with it. This connects to the siphon box, then removes all the air that accumulates. So if the siphon ever breaks when the power shuts off, when the power comes back on, the pump...
  25. J

    New Setup

    28 gallons may be a bit small for salt water fish. I mean, it can work, but you may want to start with a bigger tank, like 50 gallons. But if you do a reef tank, then you can get a variety of small fish and some inverts in the 28 gallon. The big question is, do you want fish only, or a reef set...
  26. J


    Thanks :D In fact, I just tried that. I spent over $300.00 American dollars on a new system with a skim box. But.... I discovered the hard way that I cannot use two skim boxes on the same tank. There is no other way for me to get the water from the display to the refugium. :-( I could set up a...
  27. J

    Aquarium sump

    Okay, I understand. After doing some research this concept now makes sense. I feel pretty dumb. So the skim box will only take in the amount of water that is pushed back into the display from the sump. I will go to my lfs and pick up a new skim box that will not overflow my 20 gallon tank if the...
  28. J

    Aquarium sump

    Thanks for the info all!! Great Lakes, so right now I have CA 1000 pump that does 500gph. If I bought a skim box that does say 600 gph, is that too much? I don't understand the situation. If the skim box is draining more water into my 20 gallon tank from the display than the CA pump is pumping...
  29. J

    Aquarium sump

    I bought the tank used a while back from a lfs. I has a hole drilled in it already but it's at the top towards one of the corners. the hole is 1/4 inch, (I don 't know how many centimeters). Could I some how use this hole or does the hole need to be underneath? Jim
  30. J

    Aquarium sump

    I'm attempting to turn this 20 US gallon tank into a seperate fuge area for macro algae. I'm using two pumps of the exact same size with the exact same length of tubing, one to fill the tank, one to drain it. However, I cannot seem to get it to work right. One pump either takes too much water...
  31. J


    Nope. I'm a yankee. My email address id [email protected] and my msn id is [email protected]
  32. J


    Thank you again!! That sounds horrible. I've decided to take out the caulerpa and replace it with cheatomorpha. I ordered some online. Do you or anyone know anything about this algae? I hear it's much more stable and will not crash or sexual. I have also heard it grows faster than caulerpa thus...
  33. J


    Navarre, What types of mangroves are good for nitrate reduction? Do I need a special lights or supplements to grow them? Jim
  34. J


    What will happen is the caulepra crahes? Is this a serious possibility even if I keep the lights on 24/7? :-(
  35. J


    Thanks for the info!! The new sump is below the tank so there will be no light stressing the fish. I have been told that keeping the light on 24/7 is the best method. This is what I intend to do. So if I trim the algea, it still my cause a crash in the tank? How much should I let grow for my...
  36. J


    Thanks for all the info! My lfs told me that with my set up being the wat it is (fish only/ predator tank with a wet/dry bio ball system), that a refugium might not be the best avenue. I only want to reduce nitrates in the tank. So I took a 20 Us gallon tank I had lying around, put a pump and...
  37. J

    queen trigger fish

    Thanks for the reply! Man, am I relieved! My tank is 125 US gallons. Plenty of places to hide (etc). When I bought the niger, I was told that it would be the most docile of my triggers (humu humu, clown). However, this trigger as turned into the most dominant. He like to be the boss. I mean...
  38. J

    queen trigger fish

    I just bought a new queen trigger. It's a beatiful fish. Buuuut.... my niger trigger doesn't seem to agree. At first they were constantly fighting, but now it seems to have died down. In fact, it stopped altogether. The new queen trigger's fins have been slightly frayed from the niger's teeth. I...
  39. J

    Checking in

    I'm sorry. I guess I don't understand :no: I'll talk with my one of my friends later and see it i can up load them to his server. :) I'll see If I can post them in this thread later today. jim