queen trigger fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Sactown Cali.
I just bought a new queen trigger. It's a beatiful fish. Buuuut.... my niger trigger doesn't seem to agree. At first they were constantly fighting, but now it seems to have died down. In fact, it stopped altogether. The new queen trigger's fins have been slightly frayed from the niger's teeth. I have never seen my niger trigger act so aggresive towards a newbie. My question is... will the fins grow back to normal over time if the fighting stops completely?, or will the queen trigger bear these scars of battle for life? :eek:
If the trigger has damamge only on the fins then it should grow back in just a few days.
If the body has been damaged you may find it will scar.
You dont mention the size of your tank.
Just though i would mention that a Niger Trigger is one of the largest triggers and grows HUGE! I have just got rid of mine for this very reason and i have over 100 gallons for it to swim in.
The other complication that might arrise is the queeen can be a real nasty bit of work, she may well go for revenge at a later stage. Nigers are very docile along with BLue throats where as, picasso's, Clowns, Queen and without a doubt, Undulates are highly aggressive.
Thanks for the reply! Man, am I relieved! My tank is 125 US gallons. Plenty of places to hide (etc). When I bought the niger, I was told that it would be the most docile of my triggers (humu humu, clown). However, this trigger as turned into the most dominant. He like to be the boss. I mean really. When I put the new queen in the tank, the niger was the only one to react. Which is okay now because the fighting has stopped. The niger has plenty of room and a great personality, but I have never seen it bite before. Regardless, triggers are a great fish in a fish only environment. I will however, begin to develope agression issues as the triggers get older. My lfs offer trade ins, so when one gets too out of control, i can take it in resting assured that it will be okay.

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