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  1. S

    Small Planted Tank

    well my current hood only allows for one bulb. are T8's the 1" size? mine is also 15w and 45cm. it has two 'prongs' on one end, is this the standard connection?
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    Small Planted Tank

    probably not, just some hardy plants. is there any reason why the interpet starter units mentioned are so much cheaper than other lighting solutions?
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    Small Planted Tank

    Hi, I'm in a similiar situation with my 70L. The bulb has just packed up and the fitting for it is old and grubby. I'm thinking of getting an Interpet T5 Compact 36w to replace it. Seems like it will do the job :good:
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    New Lighting

    Hi All. My current tube has stopped working. I took it apart and there only appears to be one end that is a connection; the other end seems to be for support. Is this normal / old? The end that seems to be only for support has lots of dirt around it so I cleaned it but still no luck. Is this...
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    Experienced Scavenger Wanted

    team of shrimp?
  6. S

    Hard Tap Water?

    Hi, I have noticed that where my hood collects water and then drips down the back of the tank, there seems to be a build up of limescale. Does this mean my water is likely to be very hard? I have a piece of bogwood that heavily stains the water and have read that this may soften the water...
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    Harlequin Rasbora

    hi again, i'm starting to think perhaps i need more plants for them to spawn under. i dont have many any the moment as most died; i think my lfs sold me non aquatic plants. thinking of buying online as it seems to be cheaper and ive read good reviews of certain places. if anyone has...
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    Buying Fish By Mail

    online ordering is fine from most large shops. i'm not specifically sure about the one you mention. the main thing to consider is postage cost, which usually makes it cheap to go to your local shop - especially for one fish.
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    How Can I Lower Ph?

    haha, well best of luck with that. cheers
  10. S

    How Can I Lower Ph?

    its a small 70l tank, with a large piece of bogwood that is still releasing tannins, i have a couple of plants (sorry not sure on these but they have low light requirements it seems), fair amount of java moss in there. gravel substrate. the only chemical i use is aquasafe that i add to tap water...
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    How Can I Lower Ph?

    I'm trying to get my Harlequin Rasbora to breed and it looks like I may need to lower my pH, any ideas on the best way of doing and easy preferable! thanks
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    Harlequin Rasbora

    anyone got some advice on peat? thanks
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    Snail Problem Help!

    Try here
  14. S

    Harlequin Rasbora

    an update. 2 weeks later and i'm still seeing the same behaviour, no eggs though. i guess it must be males 'competing' or something similar? i'm thinking of making my water more acidic as apparently their natural breeding water is. any ideas on how to do this? ive read adding peat but not sure...
  15. S

    Can I Use Water Out Of The Hot Tap?

    surely this depends on how your hot water is heated? i'm not sure what effect it would have, but you may want to consider whether your house uses a hot water tank or a boiler that heats water on demand. thanks.
  16. S

    Rasbora Hengeli: Breeding Behaviour?

    i've noticed my harlequin rasbora doing this aswell. i was hoping it is mating behaviour as i only have 4 and want a larger group.
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    Harlequin Rasbora

    i find them very difficult to sex aswell. luckily my tank is very lightly stocked, i just have a few endlers in with them so if they do lay eggs they might survive longer than yours! i'm hoping my harlequins will reproduce because i really want more of them! will keep you posted of any...
  18. S

    Harlequin Rasbora's

    i got 4 of these a couple of weeks ago and cant wait to get more. theyre so active, colourful and love splashing/flowing water.
  19. S

    Harlequin Rasbora

    Hi all, I've recently bought 4 harlequins and they seem to be spawning?! im not sure on the sex of them but i assume i have some male and some female as a couple are dancing around eachother and 'trembling' a lot. i cant see any eggs yet but was hoping someone else on here has some experience...
  20. S

    Breeding Bn Plec Video. Spawning, Now Have Babys

    nice one looking good. i want a breeding pair, are you selling the fry once theyve grown a little? lnbates would you sell any of your fry? thanks, S
  21. S

    Looking For A Pair Of Bristlenose Plecos

    im in liverpool so yes would consider picking up from near manchester. how old/big are they please? cheers, S
  22. S

    Converting To Open Top

    Hi all, I would like to convert my old aquarium to an open top one, the blue plastic hood (which contains the light) is horrible! Has anyone attempted this before? I have an internal filter and heater which can stay the same but it's the lighting that's the problem. Cheers, S
  23. S

    Looking For A Pair Of Bristlenose Plecos

    Hi all, I want to get a pair of bristlenose plecos, one male one female. Whats the best way of doing this?! Does anyone know what Lxxx number I should be looking for? Cheers, S
  24. S

    Fish In Cycle

    Well having just caught up with this thread I've decided to just stick with the endlers for a bit. I have one male and three female so I'm sure the population will increase naturally. I dont have a testing kit as I know a couple of people who just kept up the water changes for a while. I'm quite...
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    New Setup

    yep big fan :nod: i used roof slate left over by my builders :good: defo the way forward! looking forward to updates, S
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    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    i have 7 Total: 8709 :)
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    Sexing Harlequin Rasbora

    Thanks for the replies. So i'm looking for the right hand edge of the black part in those pics? (The vertical part?) It seems they are hard to breed anyway! I'll post if I reckon I can distinguish, S
  28. S

    Sexing Harlequin Rasbora

    Hi, I've just got some Harlequin Rasbora and I'm really happy with them, they seem to have settled in well. However I cannot find a good guide to sexing them. "These fish have a black triangle-shaped patch starting near the dorsal fin. The male's patch is slightly rounded at the bottom with an...
  29. S

    How Long Does It Take For Nitrites To Drop

    I'm in a similar position Ishy, although I don't have a test kit. I'm just doing 33% changes every other day and will continue to do so for a few weeks; will prob stop when my filter is nice and 'dirty'.
  30. S

    Fish In Cycle

    Thanks for reply. I suppose I'll just keep up the water changes, its not too much hassle as only a small tank. I want to eventually add some zebra danios I think, or some other schooling fish. Think I'll leave it another couple of weeks before adding tho. S
  31. S

    Fish In Cycle

    Hi All, I've been doing a fish in cycle for 2 weeks now, 70l tank with 4 Endlers, some java moss and another plant. All I've been doing is roughly 33% water change every other day and minimum feeding (again every other day). Should I expect it to take a long time for my filter to mature? The 4...
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    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot When From Black To Orange/yellow

    i have noticed the same with my endlers. am testing to see if its to do with the light now, will post up findings S
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    Painting My Tank And Stand...and Canopy How To?

    big improvement, well done! S
  34. S

    Want To Do An Amphibian/fish Aquarium.

    Hi, I think these are a great idea and am looking at doing this myself. Will post up any ideas! Cheers, S