How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

10 barbs, 6 tetras, 1 plec, 2 ram, 2 krib, 2 angels, 3 cockatoo, 6 cory

total= 8554

oops.. plus 2 oto, 2 loach


...and 1 DG... ok that's def all of them...

3 Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish
4 Cardinal tetras
5 Endler's Livebearers
1 Epalzeorhynchos Bicolor
1 Pterophyllum Scalare
3 Cichlasoma Severum
2 Metynnis hypsauchen
2 Brachychalcinus orbicularis

running total : 8604

12 Cardinal Tetras
6 Threadfin Rainbows
5 Panda Corys
3 Dalmation Mollies (plus 20 or so fry)
5 Gold Gourami
2 Bolivian Rams
6 Amano Shrimp

So not counting the fry or shrimp I have 33 fish bringing the running total to...

14 Harleys
2 Dwarf Gouramis
13 guppies
1 Hypostomus
1 Clown Pleco
1 Common Pleco
7 Mollies
5 Zebra Danios
1 Spotted Cory

My total = 46

Collective Total = 8683
5x harliquins
1x loach (notsure what one)
1x red tailed black shark
1x glass catfish
3x angels
3x guppies
3x amino shrimp (i wont count them lol )

Running Total:


Most reactions
