Experienced Scavenger Wanted


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
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I'm looking for a good scavenger for my 55g to help clean up after my messy eaters. The inhabitants of the tank can be seen in my signature. The fish(s) needs to be 6" or less adult size, and I'd like it to be one or two fish only please. (i.e. no schools of corys etc...)

Tank parameters
PH 6.8
Temp 79f
water is soft
I'm looking for a good scavenger for my 55g to help clean up after my messy eaters. The inhabitants of the tank can be seen in my signature. The fish(s) needs to be 6" or less adult size, and I'd like it to be one or two fish only please. (i.e. no schools of corys etc...)

Tank parameters
PH 6.8
Temp 79f
water is soft

how about 2-3 bristle nosed catfish. i think they grow to 12 cm. i have 2 and they are great algea eaters and are lively fish. you cant just leave them to eat the leftovers, if you were to get BN's or most other types of catfish and loaches you should get some sinking pellets for them to eat. i give mine algea wathers and small catfish pellets. on some websites it says that they need a peice of bogwood for nutrition. i havnt got bogwood in my tank and they are fine so it is not that important.
Personally I would go for 3-4 khulie loaches (yeah its more then 1 or 2 but still... :) ).
They are great at finding bits of food that all the other fish miss and I personally really like them.
BNs are good with messy eaters, my male one follows my senny around at feeding time waiting to clear up the mess left behind :lol:

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