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  1. C

    Which Barbs Are Peaceful?

    Hi thanks I hae a 48x12x15 tank (35 gallon) i have red eye, neon, black neon and 5 shy colomban tetras i want to had a few more what are cherry barbs, checkered barbs and black ruby barbs like please?
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    Which Barbs Are Peaceful?

    Hiya Which Barbs if any are peaceful and can live with tetras without nipping all the time any help much appreciated thanks dave
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    Any Peaceful Barbs Out There

    what about black ruby or checkered?
  4. C

    Any Peaceful Barbs Out There

    Hiya Which Barbs if any are peaceful and can live with tetras without nipping all the time any help much appreciated thanks dave
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    Which Do You Prefer

    tank is 48x12x15, i have a selection of assorted tetras already, just wanting some more to go in x ray tetra king blue tetra bleeding heart tetra black ruby barb ?? what do you think of them?
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    Anyone Heard Of King Blue Tetras?

    Are these good community fish or fin nippers pleas?
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    Which Do You Prefer

    Hi I have a tetra tank and am wanting to add a few more fish which of the following would you personally choose and why? option 1 - 5 xray tetra 4 bleeding heart tetra 2 black ruby barb option 2 - 4 x ray tetra 3 bleeding heart tetra...
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    Desperate Info Pls

    hi in my 48x12x15 i have 7 corys, 5 colombia tetras, 10 neons, 5 red eye tetras the colombians are very shy and hide away, unless the tank lights ar eoff, tehn they are all out theyve been in a week now any ideas?
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    Myth Or Not?

    Thanks very informative my Dad has 4 tanks, one being a 48x12x15 tank in it he has 5 red eye tetra 5 black neons 5 neons 5 colombia tetras 7 corys 5 rosy tetra 5 black phantom tetra 5 x ray tetra 4 black ruby barb 2 kuhli 3 bleeding heart tetra this is 50 actual fish in a 30 gallon tank he...
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    Myth Or Not?

    Hi many people have many thoughts and opinions. By the book you shouldne house large fish in mediumtanks ie - people are telling me a 30gallon tank is too small for an oscar on here etc However a family friend has been a fishkeeper for 50 years and says it would be ok and "fish only grow to the...
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    Help And Advice Please Needed By Beginner

    HI I have a second tank (30 gallon - 48x12x15) after moving all my fish into my bigger tank, this 30 gallon tank is now empty of fish. I want to house 1 or a pair of big fish which are possibilities please could i house 1 oscar? or 2 silver dollars?
  12. C

    Silver Dollars?

    Hi 48x12x15 tank 30 gallon can this house 4 silver dollars and 1 synotis catfish please?
  13. C

    Still Puzzled

    hi tank is 48x12x15 (30 gallon) only other tankmates are 3 corys and 2 kuhli loach like i say when the tank lights are off, they are fine........ tank is established and been going 18 months so levels etc are fine
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    Still Puzzled

    thanks for your help. Its just that everything i read about colombians and neon tetras made me think that they were free swimmers and not timid or shy???
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    Still Puzzled

    Hi In my established tank ihad quite a few big fish, i upgraded and moved these into my new tank, all doing well however in my first tank i put in 5 black neons, and 5 colombian tetras they only come out when the tank lights are off, when on, they all hide for hours, never coming out any ideas...
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    Scared Or Nocturnal

    i have the same prob, my neons and colombians go into hiding when the tank lights are on, switch them off and they all come out
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    Colombian Tetras Shy?

    Hi My colombian tetras only come out in the dark... when lights on they shy away and hide,as do my black neons, my red eye tetras are ok though any ideas?
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    haha, it didnt copy teh rest of my text doh!! black ruby barbs or scissortails???
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    Hi Which are best in a tetra tank do you think?
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    Scissortails Or Black Ruby Barb

    Hi Which are best in a tetra tank do you think?
  21. C

    Black Ruby Barbs

    or, sorry mate, i forgot i messaged you thanks again dc
  22. C

    Black Ruby Barbs

    Hi Can black rubt barbs be housed with normal everyday tetras or must they accompany other barbs?
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    Anyone Kept This Fish Before?

    are they very different to bleeding heart tetras? thinking of getting some
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    rucka, earlier today you told me that cardinals were hardy and only suffer loss on new set ups, now on this threa you ae saying they are not hardy.......
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    Anyone Kept This Fish Before?

    Anyone heard of / kept Rosy Tetra before?
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    Rosy Tetra?

    Anyone heard of / kept Rosy Tetra before?
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    Which Fish?

    saw some rosy tetras in the shop today, dont really know much about them, do you?
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    Which Fish?

    arnt cardinals tricky to keep? ive heard fish - loss is high with cardinals
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    Im Confused...

    left bedroom light on for an hour and half, but tank lights off, all fish out in open, as soon as tank lights go back on , all 14 fish hide behind bog wood again getting a bit worried now...
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    Which Fish?

    Hi I have an established tank with red eye and colombia tetras, black neons, bleeding heart tetras and black phantoms and corys however im thinking of adding either CARDINAL TETRAS KING BLUE TETRA RUMMY NOSE TETRA or SCISSORTAILS Which do you suggest please?
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    Im Confused...

    just concerned as its been 3 days. I'll leave the blind open during tomorrow day and let the sunlight get in, then turn on the tank light when i get home from work cheers pal dave
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    Im Confused...

    will they be ok?
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    Im Confused...

    yes should i have the blinds open?
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    Im Confused...

    tank has been going 18 months so is fine, yeah bog wood and plastic plants in there, which they are behind. All tetras went in during last 3 days. Liek i say as soon as lights are off tehy all come out of hiding, switch lights back on and they scurry into cover ????????????????
  35. C

    Im Confused...

    Hi I transferred all my fish into a larger tank and tehy are doing brilliant. In my old tank, i put in 4 red eye tetra, 5 black neons and 5 colombian tetras ,along with my 3 corys and 2 kuhli loach however all the fish hide and only come out when the tank lights get switched off. any ideas???
  36. C

    Info Please

    48x15x18, 50 gallon ive read that they are very aggressive, so ust thinking will they be ok with cichlids instead of normal community? also can black ruby barbs live in a tetra tank with tetras??
  37. C

    Info Please

    Hi Can the semi agressive serpea tetras be housed with kribs, keyholes,2 angels, 2 festivums, 1 acara, 3 odessa barbs and 5 tiger barbs ??
  38. C

    Serpea Tetra

    Hi Can the semi agressive serpea tetras be housed with krobs, keyholes,2 angels, 2 festivums, 1 acara and 5 tiger barbs ??
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    Over Stocking? Does This Sound Ok?

    have i too many fish though?