Im Confused...


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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I transferred all my fish into a larger tank and tehy are doing brilliant. In my old tank, i put in 4 red eye tetra, 5 black neons and 5 colombian tetras ,along with my 3 corys and 2 kuhli loach
however all the fish hide and only come out when the tank lights get switched off.

any ideas???
How long is it since you moved them? They might just need a bit of time to settle in. Do they have hiding places? Like plants/wood/rocks/ornaments etc? Having hiding places would help because they'd feel safer.
tank has been going 18 months so is fine, yeah bog wood and plastic plants in there, which they are behind.
All tetras went in during last 3 days. Liek i say as soon as lights are off tehy all come out of hiding, switch lights back on and they scurry into cover
this is your problem, they are being stunned, open the blinds for 10 mins, then turn the lights on, and see what happens, generally makes a difference, my neons hate it, going from total darkness to very bright light is highly un-natural and it will stun them and theyll be inactive for about 10-20 minutes, or theyll hide
yes theyll be fine, just a little stunned, you try it, turn the lights of in a room for 10 mins (total darkness) then turn the lights on, gives you a headache right?
just concerned as its been 3 days.
I'll leave the blind open during tomorrow day and let the sunlight get in, then turn on the tank light when i get home from work

cheers pal

left bedroom light on for an hour and half, but tank lights off, all fish out in open, as soon as tank lights go back on , all 14 fish hide behind bog wood again

getting a bit worried now...

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