Scared Or Nocturnal


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
USA, California
All my fish are either scared or nocturnal. I know this is probably a stupid question but is there any way to make my nocturnal fish a day time fish? As for the rest of my fish being scared (only when some one walks by) is this just due to them being new to the tank???
i have the same prob, my neons and colombians go into hiding when the tank lights are on, switch them off and they all come out
All my fish are either scared or nocturnal. I know this is probably a stupid question but is there any way to make my nocturnal fish a day time fish? As for the rest of my fish being scared (only when some one walks by) is this just due to them being new to the tank???

i know my fish are a lot smaller than your but i shoudl think it would work the same way
to make my fish less skittish i just spent a lot of time sitting still near the tank gradually getting closer to the glass

then slow movements introduced after one month anyone could walk past the tank - yes sometimes if you move too quick they still jump but only very occasionally

also when i fed them i sat with my face looking in to the tank until they finished eating so they associated me with food now the follow us round the tank when we walk near it thinking FOOD MUMMY GIVE ME FOOD look i'm starving lol

all fish are a bit skittish when added to a new tank

good luck

Sarah x
i am not sure what you have, but my khulis are nocturnal too,i broke them of the habit sort of by feeding them wth all the other fish, so if they want to eat they have to come out. however i spoil them now and drop the food by there hiding spot and the pull it in the rest of the way now.

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