
neons in my opinion are the better, looking ones, but Both are not suited to tank's of less than 6 months in age. they will do better in a tank of 6 months maturity and survival rates are higher.
I already have 4 neons in my small tank, but moving over to my new bigger tank over the next week and was reading up about possibilities for when the new tank is settled in and read that they are better in bigger groups, just wandered about cardinals. I think I will add a few more danios first and see how it goes, over time.

Thank you for your help.

truckasaurus i have never seen you ever say one positive thing on a thread you always point out what they are doing wrong
lighten up mate :good: :good:
no not wrong, im just advising, as most people dont know that cardinals or neons arent hardy fish, its a misconception, its called a constructive criticism ;)
i have seen some "red eye" Tetras today and they look well nice, greyish with black through rear thin with sensational red eyes.

i suppose your right trucky but dont you ever get bored of saying that you cant do this or whatever
"being a teenager too dont you get bored of telling people loads of times the same answers i just let them go on the internet and all the answers are there
isnt that what a forum is for? helping others out?

thats what im doing by giving them positive advice, to make sure they dont get any deaths because thats the last thing anyone would want. everybody is told and thinks neons, cardinals and rummy-nose tetras are hardy, this statement is the most ironic one i have ever come across in fish keeping as none of it is true. unless in an established tank.
haha I took it as constructive, they have been in my small tank for about 9 months already, but I did lose 2 neons and 2 guppys at the beginning, I went away for a week and put one of those stupid feeding triangles in and it over fed (or under) I think, never again.

Is that the same in a new tank if using your old filter media in it, would you wait 6 months until getting more?


yes wait 6 months, the 6 months gives the tank time to mature, and the conditions in there to stable of, even the ones we dont test for
suppose personally iv had no trouble with cardinals as these were the first fish i got in a 60 litre tank after about 2 weeks of cycling
might just be my luck
also i would like to say that some people on this forum will say that somethings just are not possible and sometimes they will be true but other times you can get away with it and take a chance that the fish will be ok
for example i got 3 angelfish as youngsters and they might grow up to eat my tetras but thats a chance i took but if you asked that on a new post then they would say no impossible because the tetras would definatly get eaten
you have to take risks sometimes in this hobby
rucka, earlier today you told me that cardinals were hardy and only suffer loss on new set ups, now on this threa you ae saying they are not hardy.......

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