Still Puzzled


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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In my established tank ihad quite a few big fish, i upgraded and moved these into my new tank, all doing well
however in my first tank i put in 5 black neons, and 5 colombian tetras
they only come out when the tank lights are off, when on, they all hide for hours, never coming out

any ideas please folks?

They are just shy fish/ nocturnal. No biggie, you can invest in a moonlight if you would like. as far as i know this just makes your fish believe it is dark, but allows you to view them:D
what i did with some of my shy fish, i moved there hiding spots in a spot that i could peak in, so they felt safe and i still got to see them.
thanks for your help.
Its just that everything i read about colombians and neon tetras made me think that they were free swimmers and not timid or shy???
They shouldn't really be timid unless something is making them that way. What are your water parameters? What kind of decor (plants etc.)? Do you have a background on your tank?
my neons were nervous for the first week when they were transferred from the 30l quarentine tank to the large tank
but then they were fine
as nosoup says something in the tank is making them feel stressed , please test you water and poist results for ph , ammonia , nitrite , nitrate and temp also what other tank mates are in the tank and what size is the tank

neons dont usually school or hide unless they are stressed i can see my little buggers all the time lol
tank is 48x12x15 (30 gallon) only other tankmates are 3 corys and 2 kuhli loach

like i say when the tank lights are off, they are fine........

tank is established and been going 18 months so levels etc are fine
I have a tank that has been going for 6 months and more than likely the levels arent great. Im trying to buy a test kit to check.

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