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  1. S

    Kribensis fry

    hey i would say if you wanna keep they last remaining fry to go and buy a tank divider then they have more of a chance to live hope all goes well
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    need some help

    thanks peeps but im worried now coz im getting them on friday and one is 3 n half ich long n da other is 7inch would they b okay the owner says they are fine together
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    pregnant guppy?

    i would say yes she is pregnant :D
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    male krib

    what u lookin at grrrrr... lol :D
  5. what_u_lookin_at.jpg


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    krib n fry

    yea mine have a tank to them selfs :) if she is chaseing him den take him away for 2 days then put him bk then she will think its another male a might like him more lol it always works wiv mine :D
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    krib n fry

    mumy n daddy wiv fry :D
  8. krib_pr_fry.jpg


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    hey my kribs bred a few weeks ago or even a few months i aint keeped count lmao anyways when they breed b4 laying eggs they dug a deep pit in one of me half flower pots its mainly the male that done this then a few days l8er i saw that me female was going in the pot and going upside down then...
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    the thing thats bothering me is how did she get pregnant when she has nv been with a male she has onli ever been with females? none of the other fry have changed sex yet i look every day just to make sure lolol :D
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    hey i have a load of guppy fry not yet got alot of colour to them and one is about a inch n abit long and she has a really big belly i had a close look n she has eye balls inside her belly i mean is dat possible at her age?
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    can i take my krib fry away from the dad now coz i dont want them anymore whats the biggest they have to b b4 i can do this
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    catfish thing

    right this is the fish i wanna know what it is n all kinds of stuff about it i baught a #### this from a m8 n put it in ma tank n dat fell outta it was a big shock lol
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    well i dunno all the ph n stuff the tank was dumped on us and we didnt want the man to kill the fish but we have had it a year and half.
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    in my dads 4ft tank alot of unknown deaths are happening and we dunno y one min they okay the nexted they dead, the other day we saw are pearl darting every where in the water and didnt seem to know where it was going and then fitted and died :( can any help me find out whats happening plzzzzz...
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    a death

    sad news my female krib has dies 4 some reason leaveing the dad to look after the fry :rip: i hope he will do okay with them what do u think?
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    if i breed this male with a white with red tail female what colours should i get?
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  20. S

    need help

    hey peeps i have a cat fish and i dunno what it is i really need to know what it is its blak and white strps when u catch it in a net its creks it fins and it has spins down the side of its body thanks
  21. S

    Kribs and Angels.

    no there are no fish in with them atm half the tank is planted, n i was woundering what could b up with my female krib she dont seem to stay with the fry alot now and breaths alot more heavely than the male she has had gill worm but it cleared up could she have got it agen? the male is fine tho
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    Kribs and Angels.

    but they kribs have about 3 week old fry with them i wounderd if they would beat the angels up
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    Kribs and Angels.

    3 ft
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    Kribs and Angels.

    hey would it b alright to put 2 anglefish in with kribs and there fry the angles are about the size of a 50p
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    Clown loach info.

    hello peeps can anyone give me as much info on clown loaches as posible plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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    new 4ft tank

    thanks guys so mayb an oscar but i realy do like the fontosa
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    new 4ft tank

    i have been thinking about cichlids but what one? also i like the frontosa would u b able to mix
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    new 4ft tank

    hey guys n girls im gettin a new 4ft tank very soon and i wanted some thing nice a colourful to go in it that will grow big do u know what? the help would b gr8 ta
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    cheers :P
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    can you tell?

    my guppy had her fry today 30 all together but 2 got eaten so only 30 now would have been 32 :( but hey better none :D
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    Firemouths tankmates?

    what about adding silver dollars i have them mixed with my firemouths
  32. S


    hiya just saying hello :*) lol well that will do :D