

Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2003
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I have just introduced a male and female Krib into my large (400l) community tank. The lfs didnt know if they were a pair, but they seem to already have a pair bond. The male is very large (about 10-12 cms at least), the female smaller. She has a very red belly and is quite big bellied. They have only been in since last evening and so far they are looking round the tank. I have 2 half-flowerpots and and some bogwood but so far they havent chosen anywhere in particular as there 'home'. They have been in and out of all the pots and caves a lot of times but dont seem to have decided on which one to use yet. What I want to know is:
1 The female is curving here body at the male, like she is showing her red belly to him, then flicking her tail in his direction. When she goes into one of the pots, he follows and also flicks his tail at her in a kind of frantic shudder movement. Does this mean that they are still forming a pair bond or is this part of the spawning ritual?
2. So far they are fine with all my other fish, but will they get aggressive when eggs are laid? And if so will they actually kill other fish?
Finally, what will I do with the fry when they grow up?
my kribs bred a few weeks ago or even a few months i aint keeped count lmao
anyways when they breed b4 laying eggs they dug a deep pit in one of me half flower pots its mainly the male that done this then a few days l8er i saw that me female was going in the pot and going upside down then she came out n the male went in done his stuff lol and they done this 4 about an hour then she stays with the eggs while the male gards the out side i wouldnt know if he would kill ur other fish coz mine have a tank to them self but he might hassle ya other fish anyways the fry come out in 7 to 8 days and both mum n dad look after em and if ya feed em well they will grow them u can sell them of

remember they dont always know what to do first time so u might not have any babys but i was lucky n they havent killed the fry.
hope all goes well with u
and yea they are pairing up lol :D
Yes, Kribs do get VERY territorial after breeding but won't kill the other fish, they will just chase them around the tank away from their brood.

I'll finish replying soon, I have to go!
Ok, it might be easier to ask who's krib's AREN'T breeding at the moment!! :lol:

And yes, have a look at the other post too.......Eddie (who kindly gave me the male that has bred :thumbs: ) has also bred Kribs.

Supersalmon, the time between mine showing the kind of behaviour you describe and having some fry swimming around was around 4 weeks just to give you an idea.....


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