

Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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i have a load of guppy fry not yet got alot of colour to them and one is about a inch n abit long and she has a really big belly i had a close look n she has eye balls inside her belly i mean is dat possible at her age?
Yes, it is. They can have kids after only a few months. These fish might have deformities, and you will probably have a high mortality rate. Just try to reduce the stress on her because the first batch will probably be tough on her.
At an inch long she is basically full grown and can become pregnant. Its not very healthy for her though. Since she is not completely full grown the stress on her will be more. Thats why I always separate males and females into different tanks.
if she is only that young then the first batc may kill her, i had that when i bought a fresh female from the lfs all seemed fine til she gave birth the first time then bam she died for whast seemed no reason, just be careful not to stress her before the brith, or even move her away from males for the time being
the thing thats bothering me is how did she get pregnant when she has nv been with a male she has onli ever been with females? none of the other fry have changed sex yet i look every day just to make sure lolol :D

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