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  1. Jinkz

    Recommend Me A Good Lfs For A Visit

    Thanks for these mate, definitely worth a visit. I'll be in Lichfield on Monday and should be free around Midday. Have a drive down to Somerset after that but that's only about 3 hrs so should get a couple of hours to wander round at least one of those although Ripples is looking the favourite...
  2. Jinkz

    Fish Room Project

    That first background is the nuts Sean...looks superb. Don't suppose you can PM me the name of the mfr? Btw...was wandering round the net for Tangs breeders here in Israel and found what looks like a belter. Already mailed them with a wishlist. :hyper: Check them out... Pisces pretty sure...
  3. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    The bogwood I had in mind was in the tank for 8 months and was well soaked before it went in there. Doesn't leech tannins either. I know most people frown on wood in a tangs tank but because this tank sits right in the middle of the living room, the missus is nagging me to "brighten it up a bit"...
  4. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Here's the thing...when I seen them, I had a look in my mate's encyclopedia and was sure they were brevis also but he assured me they were similis so took his word for it. Now I've just had another look online as well as in a catalog I have and I think you're right, they're brevis. The female...
  5. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Best laid plans always seem to go right out the I drove to see a guy I know who breeds a fair amount of cichlids. He's a good hour drive away so dropped off the kids at school and continued on to see him. The plan was to pick up dome more Julies as he'd told me he had some nice...
  6. Jinkz

    Recommend Me A Good Lfs For A Visit

    Thanks for your replies and tips lads. I've been in a couple of MA branches...Glasgow and Swindon and enjoyed both times. There are a couple I can choose from when I'm in the south but I'll difinitely try and get to Wharf Aquatics. Unfortunately The Green Machine is just too far out my way...
  7. Jinkz

    Recommend Me A Good Lfs For A Visit

    Hi All. I live overseas but will be in UK in a couple of weeks on business. I've figured that on a couple of days I might have a few hours to go visit a couple of LFS just for a browse and maybe pick up a few bits and bobs along the way. I'd be happy if anyone could recommend anywhere they...
  8. Jinkz

    Convict Species Tank...

    Agreed, I loved my convicts and was really struggling when I gave them to my lfs when I changed my tank over to tangs. Great fish to keep and there's always something to see with them. Make no mistake mate, they will breed if you have males and females together but then be prepared for...
  9. Jinkz

    Searching for the young soul rebel in me...

    Searching for the young soul rebel in me...
  10. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Nah you're good mate...never really been one to shoot the messenger....the wife's good enough at that :lol: Wish I had a good SLR though instead of using a point and shoot. Get some decent pics but nothing like a good SLR to get some really good piccies :good: You reckon it'll be a real...
  11. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Yeah I know mate. The plan is to introduce another 4 then 2 more a week or so after that and see if I can get a couple to pair off. Then I'll remove the others and bring them back to my lfs. I was due to pick some more up today but succumbed to a a couple of Neolamprologus brichardi that I've...
  12. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    You've got a point about the background....I'll look into it and see what I can find. Might just get a bit of black craft paper and stick it along the back....assuming I can get my hands in there...if not I'll get one of the kids and stuff them there :lol: Wouldn't mind those links to the...
  13. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Yeah I like it a lot. The 25kilos cost me 38 quid, but remember I'm out in Israel so (obviously) bought it local. Cheers Kiriyama...appreciate your thoughts mate, I know you have a good bit of experience with Tangs. What I could do is (assuming I can find more shells..hard to get them here)...
  14. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Hi all, not sure if anyone will remember but a month or so ago I mentioned I was going to convert my 300ltr community tank over to a Tangs tank. Right as I was about to start my convicts bred so I thought I'd have to wait a couple of months before getting started....but for whatever reason the...
  15. Jinkz

    Fish Dying On An Almost Daily Idea Why!

    Thanks for the comments roadmaster. I started cycling the tank with noodles and some sponge from my 300ltr tank and left it run for 3 days before putting the guppies in. I then added the 6 guppies and waited a week to see how things would work out and as everything seemed fine and my water...
  16. Jinkz

    Fish Dying On An Almost Daily Idea Why!

    Thanks for the info and advice Athena. I do appreciate it. Actually was thinking of returning the black molly and swordtail to my lfs as they're each on their own and should be with more of their own kind so I'll probably take them back and get a couple more danios. Love watching them swim into...
  17. Jinkz

    Fish Dying On An Almost Daily Idea Why!

    Thanks for the replies. I should have mentioned in the initial post that I did cycle the tank with mature media from my 300ltr tank. The filter I'm using is anAqua One 103F which I do clean regularly in aquarium water. I usually rinse it out once a week as with the aquarium being planted it...
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  19. Jinkz

    Treating Driftwood?

    I put mine in the dishwasher a couple of salt or detergent though. Worked a treat.
  20. Jinkz

    Fish Dying On An Almost Daily Idea Why!

    Hi all. Hoping someone can give me a bit of help here as I've encountered a problem with my 100ltr planted community tank and it's a bit of a head scratcher. OK where to start.... Tank = 100ltr Bow Front Substrate is Seachem Flourite dark with 2mm black quartz gravel atop. Tank inhabitants...
  21. Jinkz

    Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!

    I know, was looking forward to seeing the wee fellas grow a bit....still, onward and upward to a tangs set up. Trying to find rocks that I like is a total headache. The substrate is going to be very fine black quartz and I was hoping to pick up some ark grey(ish) rock but all I can seem to...
  22. Jinkz

    Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!

    Well, cleaned out the external tonight and didn't find one fry, neither dead or alive so can only assume that either the male ate them or my pleco hoovered them up at night. Not sure on either count as the male always seemed to be very protective and for a few days he was chasing the female away...
  23. Jinkz

    Firemouth/convict Tank Mates.... And Guppies.

    It's not really a question of size mate. The convicts won't eat the guppies. The male though will rip their fins apart anytime any of them come anywhere near them, especially if they're breeding. Think you're courting disaster having them in the same tank, despite the size.
  24. Jinkz

    Neon Blue Ram?

    Beautiful fish, like most rams are but due to so much inbreeding to get to that kind of colouring the fish are so delicate and very prone to illness and unfortunately, unexplained deaths. I've stopped keeping GBR's simply because losing so many of them was getting to be a pain in the rear and...
  25. Jinkz

    Firemouth/convict Tank Mates.... And Guppies.

    The male convict will tear the guppies to bits on a good day. Assuming the 2 convicts you have are a pair and will start to're looking at complete decimation of your guppies and anything else that isn't big enough to stand up to the convict or fast enough to get out his way. Oh and...
  26. Jinkz

    Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!

    Hmm....anyone happen to know why I'm now down to around only 10 fry left? They've been gradually reducing in numbers and I can't seem to figure out why. My water is fine, I check it weekly and I've varied feeding between baby brine shrimp, some liquified egg yolk and also powdered flake. The fry...
  27. Jinkz

    Purple Ram?

    I've seen them with a rosy pink rear half of the body but never a real purple. Poor things have been so weakened from inbreeding it's a real shame...beautiful fish though if you have suitable water to keep them in.
  28. Jinkz

    Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!

    Was right out of the blue to be honest. I'd moved or rehomed almost all occupants of the tank and was planning to move the convicts last Sat to a breeder mate of mine as he has spare tanks. Had a look at them Friday night as the male wasn't moving from the bogwwod...was then I noticed the fry...
  29. Jinkz

    Bitten By Piranha!

    Hope you gave the fish a tetanus.. :rolleyes:
  30. Jinkz

    Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!

    Have no idea how I'm gonna get rid of them mate :lol: Know a few breeders over here in Israel who have plenty of tanks available and might take them off me but I know I'll not be getting any lfs credit for Was down seeing a mate this evening and mentioned the fry to him....he's...
  31. Jinkz

    Tanganyikan Project

    Ah should have out in Israel so no more buying online from the UK for me...missus moans too much about me battering the bank account :lol: Saying that, just got a package in this afternoon from the UK...48" plants collection for my wee girls (mine really :D ) 100ltr community...
  32. Jinkz

    Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!

    Just as I was about to strip my 300ltr and move toward a Tanganyika set up my pair of convicts decided to blow my plans right out the window and drop a lot of fry on me :hyper: First time they've bred and I'm not exactly sure how this is gonna work out. They have a 300ltr tank to themselves...
  33. Jinkz

    Tanganyikan Project

    Great looking tank Kiriyama. Just about to start a 300l tangs tank myself but two things held me back. First was which substrate to put in. Wasn't sure how black would look but after seeing your tank I'm now sold so black it is. Will be adding a mixture of 1mm and 2mm black quartz. Only prob I...
  34. Jinkz

    300L Tanganyika Tank

    HHmmm...having a bit of a change of heart regarding the substrate. I was gonna go with the 2mm white quartz but after opening it it's not exactly white and looks more like common as muck beach sand. Had a word with my guy in the lfs today and went down to see what he had in stock and I'm now...
  35. Jinkz

    300L Tanganyika Tank

    Hi Dorsey, thanks for the reply mate. I'm from the south west, about 45mins drive from Glasgow. Small place called Largs. Famous for ice cream and vikings :rolleyes: Forgot to mention the It comes out the tap with a ph of 7.6 and both my tanks are / were stable 7.6. I didn't try...
  36. Jinkz

    300L Tanganyika Tank

    Hi all. Been lurking a bit on here and not posting mush so thought I'd change that now. Bit of background first eh :rolleyes: I'm originally from Scotland but live in the north of Israel. Kept trops years ago back home but only recently (6 months ago) got back into it over here. Set up a...
  37. Jinkz

    Which Plants?

    Hi Tom, thanks for the reply. Yep that's more or less the kind of idea I have although I'd like a little more coverage at the front of the tank and something leafier at the back, but the layout you have is the road I want to go down. I do like that fern type you have back left corner..something...
  38. Jinkz

    Which Plants?

    Hi all, I've been running my 300ltr community tank for a few months now and till now it's been planted with only a few artificial plants, however the time has now come to get my act together and get some live plants in there but the trouble is I'm not sure exactly which plants to buy. I've...
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