Amatitlania Nigrofasciata Fry...lots Of Them.!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
North Israel...looking into Hezbolala Land
Just as I was about to strip my 300ltr and move toward a Tanganyika set up my pair of convicts decided to blow my plans right out the window and drop a lot of fry on me :hyper:

First time they've bred and I'm not exactly sure how this is gonna work out. They have a 300ltr tank to themselves apart from a common pleco who doesn't bother them and they don't bother him. Was wondering though if anyone can tell me and bearing in mind the reputation convicts have for being such good parents....what kind of percentage of fry will survive?

My PH is a steady 7.6, take is kept at 26*c, nitrates are around 20ppm.


LOL!!! From what i have read/heard probably most of them!! How will you sell them all? :blink: I only had 8 Jade Eyed Cichlids (closely related to convicts i believe) to get rid of and no body would touch them... :look: I couldn't imagine trying to shift 100-200!!!

Congratulations by the way.
LOL!!! From what i have read/heard probably most of them!! How will you sell them all? :blink: I only had 8 Jade Eyed Cichlids (closely related to convicts i believe) to get rid of and no body would touch them... :look: I couldn't imagine trying to shift 100-200!!!

Congratulations by the way.

Have no idea how I'm gonna get rid of them mate :lol:

Know a few breeders over here in Israel who have plenty of tanks available and might take them off me but I know I'll not be getting any lfs credit for

Was down seeing a mate this evening and mentioned the fry to him....he's got a couple of Oscars in a 250ltr tank....first thing he said was..." food" :lol:

My kids sat for over an hour tonight trying to count chance... :D
Join the club, I have non stop breeding Honduran Red's okay for a bit but they never stop!
Join the club, I have non stop breeding Honduran Red's okay for a bit but they never stop!

Was right out of the blue to be honest. I'd moved or rehomed almost all occupants of the tank and was planning to move the convicts last Sat to a breeder mate of mine as he has spare tanks. Had a look at them Friday night as the male wasn't moving from the bogwwod...was then I noticed the fry being herded under a rock by I'll be waiting 2 months till I can even start to get rid of them.
Hmm....anyone happen to know why I'm now down to around only 10 fry left? They've been gradually reducing in numbers and I can't seem to figure out why. My water is fine, I check it weekly and I've varied feeding between baby brine shrimp, some liquified egg yolk and also powdered flake. The fry that are left are growing and far easier to see now but again the numbers have went down sharply. I'm wondering if some have been sucked up by the filter and are now in the filter body. I run a Tetra EX1200.

Went through a few days of the male convict chasing the female around the tank any time he caught sight of her but noticed this morning they're back to being best buddies but the male very rarely leaves the fry for more than a few seconds. The only other occupant in the tank is a 12cm long common pleco. Would't have thought he'd have been hoovering them up at night would he?
Lesser numbers could be the filter sucking them up or even the male eating them...I'd check your filter for dead fry as you don't want decaying bodies in there and it will give you an idea of what's happened
Lesser numbers could be the filter sucking them up or even the male eating them...I'd check your filter for dead fry as you don't want decaying bodies in there and it will give you an idea of what's happened

Well, cleaned out the external tonight and didn't find one fry, neither dead or alive so can only assume that either the male ate them or my pleco hoovered them up at night. Not sure on either count as the male always seemed to be very protective and for a few days he was chasing the female away from the fry. Don't suppose it could have been the female that's the culprit ????

Anyway, tank is now fry time allowing I'll be stripping it soon and moving to tangs :hooray:
Aww mate thats not very good! At least you can do what you planned now though. lol.

I know, was looking forward to seeing the wee fellas grow a bit....still, onward and upward to a tangs set up.

Trying to find rocks that I like is a total headache. The substrate is going to be very fine black quartz and I was hoping to pick up some ark grey(ish) rock but all I can seem to find is tuffa rock which I'm not that fond of. The search goes one :)

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