Firemouth/convict Tank Mates.... And Guppies.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2011
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I didnt want to revive an old topic so started a new one..

I posted a few weeks ago asking for suitable tank mates for Firemouthes... The main response I got was Oscars or Severums.

My situation has changed however!

I have three guppies I re-homed in my tank with my 2 x firemouthes, 2 x convicts, corries and a few scissortails.

I planned to get rid of the guppies when I got a Oscar/Severum to prevend them becoming food, however I have been TOLD by my girlfriend that I can not get rid of the cute guppies...

So here is the new question.

What fish is there, that is compatible with the above, and has a "personality", larger would be preferred to be the "show piece" - that wont eat the guppies!

I have a just under 60g tank, sand substrate with half live half fake plants.

Any suggestions greatly welcomed!
The guppies will get eaten by the Convict and Firemouth.

Firemouths are good with Livebearers that are big enough not to fit in there mouths, Guppies however will fit in most Cichlids mouths other than dwarfs.
The male convict will tear the guppies to bits on a good day. Assuming the 2 convicts you have are a pair and will start to're looking at complete decimation of your guppies and anything else that isn't big enough to stand up to the convict or fast enough to get out his way. Oh and if/when fry hatch and the parents take them out for a wander, don't be surprised to see any other fish in the tank cowering into a corner. Convicts really are that brutal when guarding fry.
The cons & fms currently live with the guppies fine, more tention towards each other than the guppies, the cichlids dont seem to pay any attention to them, mainly due to the fact the guppies stay right at the surface and chase their reflections in the glass, and the cichlids stay playing around in the substrate.
What size will the cichlids need to grow too before they consider the guppies as lunch?
I don't think the FM is far off now at 4" lol. They may be ok whilst not breeding. I would expect the convicts to become king as they grow. Could you post a picture of the FM please? Thanks.
It's not really a question of size mate. The convicts won't eat the guppies. The male though will rip their fins apart anytime any of them come anywhere near them, especially if they're breeding. Think you're courting disaster having them in the same tank, despite the size.
Right, I will be saving the guppies then! I will pull my old aquamode 65L off eBay and set it up at my girlfriends house!

Pic of FM:
He looks brilliant matey!! Some nice colouration! I have what i am hoping is a pair...
The female was just as brightly coloured, but after spawning she has gone a really dull grey, almost lost all coloration!
Good luck with the breeding!
I've got Kribs breeding at the moment and hopefully some Bristlenoses. Would love some Firemouth fry too but i don't think they will as they're in with some angels and 2 rotkeil sevs. :lol:
How would a Satanoperca jurupari "Eartheater" get on in my tank ?

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