Search results

  1. B

    The Great Fish Juggle

    I have 3 tanks 150l ( coldwater ) this will remain as is 200l ( deep gravel some shade sunken ship and few plants) Tank 2! 310l ( bogwood plants and caves with gravel thinner gravel) Tank 1! I have 1st tank pair 3 spot Gourami's ( matured full size) pair golden Gourami's ( matured full...
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    What Can I Rescue?

    Dont mind as they were dumpped in when Aunts tank got broken a couple weeks back the silver tail isnt 'normal' he has a damaged tail and is under illusion he is a scissor tail so am not too worried about him. one Angel is full size and others half and so far not bee issue. Glden barbs ate my...
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    Fuval 105 Prime Problems

    Check the seals on lid ( insides) are possitioned correctly this happened to a mates and he tok it to shop to complain the loke in LFS was really nice about it but bet wet pants after he left
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    What Can I Rescue?

    it 310 L and they are sailfin Plecs I forgot to mention all his fish are full grown so yes the cat fish will eat my neons for sure just cant decide if they are worth it ??? Have tried to pusuade OH to let me just have his whole tank lol as he just wants rid
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    What Can I Rescue?

    Right I need to know what of my mates tank will live happily in my tank... I have pair 3 spot Gourami's ( matured full size) pair golden Gourami's 6 golden barbs ( matured full size) 3 platties 3 Angels ( one full size 2 1" jr's) 2 cherry barbs 1 red tail shark ( 3") 1 silver shark ( 3") 6...
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    Silver Sharks

    We were given a damaged Basa at the lfs when dd turned 4. he has a birth defect on his tail. He has settled into a tank with harlequins and other smaller fish how ever dont expect this to always be the way tank A had a 8 year old redtail who had lived many many years with neons but ATE every...
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    Things That Eat Fish Poo?

    thank you may investin some of these to cheer up pleco's
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    Things That Eat Fish Poo?

    sorry to bring this on back again but can ghost shrimp live in freshwater tropical tanks???
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    Pick Me A Fish

    wont the tank look wierd with nothing else nr bottom???
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    Pick Me A Fish

    Algae isnt a problem to be honest but I thought the plecs might feel isolated without company as my basa and redtail never sit near bottom would the plecs live with other plecs???? i adore mine the colour and pattern of them are fantastic. and yes they are chineese algae eaters they are both...
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    Pick Me A Fish

    HI all still quite new here ! I need some advice on a tank cleaner fish... I have a 310l tank with 2 Plec's ( about 2 years old) 2 old algae eaters and glass catfish ( in bottom feeders dept) there are 2 sharks ( one basa one redtail) barbs angels tetra's scissor tails 2 gourami's...
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    Cheapest Fish Food In Uk i love this place have never had slow late or missing delivery and it saves me a fortune
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    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    Hi just wanted to chip in i have a neon dyed glass fish I rescued him from a pet shop that was shut down and he was 'going to be disposed' of. It has taken a lot of time to bring his personality out so I cant help believe that he suffered.... my daughter has named him boney and he lives...
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    Sailfin Plec Is Turning Light Brown, Was Dark Brown?

    Hi mine did this when tank was upgraded and he moved home i gave him couple of extra dark hours and some treats ( algae wafers and bloodworms) he is patch free and very happy took about week to clear up and the tank move probably did it!
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    Drowning Fish ?

    okay no tested before water change the fish ranged from weeks old to 2.5 yo I took out the carbon leaving the pump on ceramics and sponges I do trust where i got the fish and had to wai tfor guy who could test water to do it ( i have seen his tanks and wow i would die for them ) still no...
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    Drowning Fish ?

    Hello just an update lfs tested my water they said it was really good so not that..... did 40% anyway and gave them some new plants all seem happy and more like themselves again no deaths so thank you !!!!!!
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    Drowning Fish ?

    Thank you off to play with water :ninja:
  18. B

    Drowning Fish ?

    my goldens had faded patches on them after they began to itch.... the rest of tank are mostly pale so harder to see
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    Drowning Fish ?

    What would be the treatment be as it sounds like the inital 'something' in my tank have attached pic, but not good, cant get them to stand still
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    Drowning Fish ?

    thank you now for the logistics for a water change! What does the bleaching mean???
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    Drowning Fish ?

    its up full and have moved pump outlet to puh in water too ( everyone is going to the loo alreadylol)
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    Drowning Fish ?

    lfs ( fish shop?) sludge buster is friendly bacteria that speeds up poo break down ( silmilar to filter aid)
  24. B

    Drowning Fish ?

    Sorry o.1 and have no ammonia tests here and will be tomorrow before i can get to shop. the second cylce of protozine went in last friday. ( doses on day 1,2,3 and 6 waited 4 days and then doeses on 1,2,3 and 6, friday) the itchy ness is gone its just the way the fish are dying that bothers me...
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    Drowning Fish ?

    Dip tests are NO3 -0 no2 -1 GH -25 kh -3od ph - 6.8 the gills are clean and no change in colour, eyes are clear, few damaged scales on large female angel but mr angel is frisky at the moment there is one small whitish patch starting on one of the goldens ( again)
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    Drowning Fish ?

    :crazy: I have a well established and well cycled tank and untill 6 weeks ago a healthy stock. I added 4 glass cat fish and they brought 'something' with it started on the golden barbs then to the others in tank, Soon all were itchy and so the tank was treated with Protozin( i have dojo...