Things That Eat Fish Poo?


are there any freshwater inverts or Fish that eat fish poo?
My angels have turned into little turd machines and its making my tank look really messy.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Plants. Lots of plants.
Twice now I've seen my Siamese Algae Eater eat Otocinclus waste, even going so far as to stop eating the piece of zucchini in front of him to go after it. Do I need to be concerned? Does it mean hes deficient in some nutrient? This guy is overfed if anything so I know its not because hes hungry.

:crazy: :sick:
im not sure about this but wouldnt a under gravel filter sort out that problem? if not theres battery powered vaccum cleaners you can get for your tank, i have one. put it in the gravel push the button and the cleaning let the cleaning commence.
I'm probably wrong, But wouldn't something that ate fish poo just poo it back out again.. Not really getting you anywhere?
It would be less poo but still something to clean up. Every living thing produces waste.

are there any freshwater inverts or Fish that eat fish poo?
My angels have turned into little turd machines and its making my tank look really messy.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
unfortunately no.
the best thing to do, is to make sure you have got a good filter, do a 10 to 15% water change every 2 weeks.
also, if you have a good bacteroa count, the feaces will decompose quicker, so you can buy a bottle of bacteria, called stresszyme, but there is loads out there. so thats you options,
the professor
People have been resurecting a lot of posts of late. :crazy:

crazy vampires...
This is the oldest resrected one I've seen, from 2005. And I'll say now what I said then, none that I'm aware of.
sorry to bring this on back again but can ghost shrimp live in freshwater tropical tanks???
thank you may investin some of these to cheer up pleco's

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