Pick Me A Fish


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
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HI all still quite new here !

I need some advice on a tank cleaner fish...

I have a 310l tank with 2 Plec's ( about 2 years old) 2 old algae eaters and glass catfish ( in bottom feeders dept)

there are 2 sharks ( one basa one redtail)




scissor tails

2 gourami's and

4 danio's

However the algae eaters are getting old and cranky they are damaging my angels and the gourami's so i will be sending them to the cranky old sod tank soon ( a well established well planted tank where my old grumps go ) they will live with some guppies and some barbs and a shark...

I want to add a new tank tidiers what would you recommend??????

I adore my weatherloches in my cold water tank but know they have given up their cleaning since they grew up!!!!!

i assume u mean chinese algae eaters if so these do get quite big , aggressive and dont eat algae when older.
the best algae eater is bristlenoses i think and there great only grow to 5" and peaceful
At 2 years old, your plecos are in their prime and capable of cleaning a 310l tank with ease.... If you're still having a problem (even with them present), I'd suggest that you switch off your lights a bit earlier in the evening or move your tank to a spot where you get less direct "sunlight" during the day.... Green algea growth indicates too much lighting, and Brown algea growth indicates too little lighting... Play around and find the balance.
Algae isnt a problem to be honest but I thought the plecs might feel isolated without company as my basa and redtail never sit near bottom

would the plecs live with other plecs???? i adore mine the colour and pattern of them are fantastic.

and yes they are chineese algae eaters

they are both sailfin pleco( pleco****stomus ) hope that beats the superstition
Algae isnt a problem to be honest but I thought the plecs might feel isolated without company as my basa and redtail never sit near bottom

would the plecs live with other plecs???? i adore mine the colour and pattern of them are fantastic.

and yes they are chineese algae eaters

You haven't got a problem with algea, so don't add any other plecos..... Might be just enough for them to handle.
wont the tank look wierd with nothing else nr bottom???
Hiya. I have a pair of Bristlenose, a pair of high fin Bristlenose, a king tiger plec, 2 dwarf clown plecs and a gold spot plec. Bear in mind I have a 5x2x2 tank. Algae is never a problem as these fish never seem to stop cleaning. I thought they would all fight but never had any problems yet.
Bristlenoses are great, they are always on the go and dont get to big, i have four in my tank and never have algea problems - i suplement their diet with cucumber, peas and potato.


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