Silver Sharks

despite the size they get IME they are pretty peaceful fish if kept in groups but u will need a big tank 2 housse them then , i think u may have trouble with adding much smaller fish in the end tho

despite the size they get IME they are pretty peaceful fish if kept in groups but u will need a big tank 2 housse them then , i think u may have trouble with adding much smaller fish in the end tho


we are planning on getting a rio 400. its going to be an asian biotype but my dads adiment to get the sharks
A totally peaceful fish that is 450mm long will regard a "thing" that is 20mm long as simply a food item. There is no aggressive intent, it is simply a very big fish eating small live food. As such, a totally peacefull 450mm Bala will snack on Zebras or Harlequins.
I am having a 96'x24'x24' aquarium built. I really like Balas, but I still question whether i should buy them.

I think denisoni barbs which when adult have a similar shape (albeit totally different colouring) are more suitable. They only grow to 4-5".

In the UK shops with decent standards are stating that Balas should not be kept in anything less than a 72"x24"x24" when fully grown.

In a Rio400 they will be ok as jeuveniles
A totally peaceful fish that is 450mm long will regard a "thing" that is 20mm long as simply a food item. There is no aggressive intent, it is simply a very big fish eating small live food. As such, a totally peacefull 450mm Bala will snack on Zebras or Harlequins.

what would you say would be the minumin size fish to be kept with silver sharks.

oops read the 20mm long bit. so would you say the smallest fish to get with them would be a tiger barb.
A totally peaceful fish that is 450mm long will regard a "thing" that is 20mm long as simply a food item. There is no aggressive intent, it is simply a very big fish eating small live food. As such, a totally peacefull 450mm Bala will snack on Zebras or Harlequins.

Totally agree, don't confuse Silver Sharks with Red Tailed Sharks (which are more aggressive and territorial)
it is okay to get the sharks a juvenilles, and put them with other smaller juvenille fish. However, look at what the length of the tankmates, because, as has been said, smaller fish will be food for them as adults. As for agressiveness, na peaceful as anything

silver sharks or bala sharks are peaceful fish but once they start to get bigger small fish such as neon tetras start to look as a tasty snack and will start disappearing as I found a few years ago lol

I think the general rule is that very young bala's can be kept in small aquarium's but once they start to grow I was told a minimum of 55G for each fish due to their size.
We were given a damaged Basa at the lfs when dd turned 4. he has a birth defect on his tail. He has settled into a tank with harlequins and other smaller fish how ever dont expect this to always be the way

tank A had a 8 year old redtail who had lived many many years with neons but ATE every fish under an inch that we added.... tank a became the grumpy retirement tank after a while.

If you dont mind this in the future then go for one I love their personality so didnt mind the rescue.

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