Search results

  1. H

    lake fish

    wuts wrong? i don't have luck with any fish i but from the LFS besides the ones i have now..
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    lake fish

    well..right tryin out lake fish..we have a house on a yeah i caught 4 pan fish..3 are about an inch and 1/2 and the 4th is about an inch..they all seem to be doin fine..i started with 1..and then i just braught 3 more home today. i also have 3 give'n one to a...
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    craw fish

    alright thanks guy's
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    craw fish

    well i managed to catch a 1 inch craw fish out of the lake our house is on..wat all do they eat? i kno they r bottom feeders..i threw an algea waffer in there and watched him nibble on that.. but wat else can i feed it? thanks sean
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    3 neon tetras..had 4..then 3..took the dead back..back to 4..another 3 again other breed of tetras..mid glow or somethin? orange stripe..lil bigger then neons..had 4..1 died..petsmart was out of em so i ended u gettin 3 scissor tails... did a 75% water change last night..everything...
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    sounds like explode-a-pop-poop to me..
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    Melafix really worked for me!

    Now where can i buy this?
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    This Is What You Get For Not Using Your Driveway!

    thats insane! wonder if the guy learned.haha
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    Scrappy the platy fry

    sweet id like to get some fry for my 10g
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    fin rot

    too late :( :/ :no:
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    fin rot

    ho do i stop it? how do i heal it? help sean
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    yea..african chiclids.. any good? lfs had alot of them..just wonderin how well they would work out n a 29g tank.. thanks sean :byebye:
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

    forgot to add the fish.. 1 silver dollar 2 red belly pirahna's 1 needlefish 1 cat fish 1 sucker fish(name starts with a p) 20some rosey reds for the needlefish..i've seen the pirahna's feeding of them also so thats cool too..
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

    nitrate-2.0 nitrite-10.0(YIKES..this would be where i need the help at) hardness-150 alkalinity-180 Ph-7.2
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

    i just took out 75% of the water and replaced it with new
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras and we have a winner..
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

    i guess? it was on 5 of my tetras n a 10 gallon tank. all 5 the 10 is abandon. then i noticed it on my silverdollar.. want it to stop. its like the size of a needle tip..white dots all over..kinda shiny..can tell easier that they're on the fins then the body..but they're on there...
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

    hm everyone tlks about this yet no one knows..interesting This Sure Is One Great Forum..
  19. H

    A New Newbie Here

    michael- i din't expect the friken minnows to die. they din't die anyways. the only thing thats die'n r these tetras cause of white spots. jules-yes i have a heater,and no this isn't a community tank. they r only semi aggresive fish in it. the algea eater isn't a chinese one. it starts with a...
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    help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

    wat do i do?! i have 5 of these with a silver stripe..forgot the name of them. but now i down to 3. all of them have white bubble/spots on
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    NEwbie Needs Help..

    thanks guy's and btw..the water doens't "seep" up the strips. i WAS doing it right by dipping the whole thing n the water. wiating 30 seconds and take'n the nitrate sample and then waiting 60 seconds for the PH. im not so dumb after all..*clears throat
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    NEwbie Needs Help..

    i don't think the water seeps up the strips..they're plastic, they were expensive enough at 155 bux, they have foam pads or w/e. yea the tank has ben set up for 3 days. it was set up b4 but i had a rill bank first tank bacteria problem. so i got the fish out n put them n a 10g and drained the...
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    125 gallon tank - how much

    theres a 150g down at petsmart where i shop. full oak stand(2 cabinent doors). super nice, comes with a 1 piece halogen fixture wit 2 bulbs,2 cover things for the top,under gravel filters,n thats it..tank is done in oak to. they're askin $499.99 then they also have an all black 125 with all...
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    do chicks dig your fish tank?

    i don't have a g/f. but all the girls i bring soon as they enter my room i get this.."ah cool" lol all the chicks i bring home r always dig'n the tanks. i have a 10g and a 40g,soon to get a 60g
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    NEwbie Needs Help..

    alright. i tested my 40g with a 5 test n 1 strip quick dip. my nitrate is around 20-40 nitrite is lookin like 10.0 (BAD) total harness is reading 75 total alkalinity is around 120and my PH is lookin mor elike 7.8 how do i lower these? wat needs to be lowerd? HELP!! :(
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    A New Newbie Here

    this stuff is i sware this is the most confusing forum i've ever been on..this is my first fishy one but alright i'll live. yea ima go down to petsmart and pick up some more fish,along with a tester and some other things.
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    A New Newbie Here

    i don't have anything to test the water, alls i have are these chemicals to make tap water safe for fish and this stuff that gets rid of cloudy water. i guess i do needa pick up a tester huh
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    A New Newbie Here

    hey guy's, yes ima newbie. well lets see best friend has 2 55gallon tanks..and his grandpa gave him a 40 and a 10g. wel he din't have room so i ended up picken em up. so yea now i have 2 40's and a 10 gallon. i cleaned them both our rill well. set up the stand n all. put the 40 i had...