help help..white bubble/spots on tetras

Jul 25, 2005
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wat do i do?! i have 5 of these with a silver stripe..forgot the name of them. but now i down to 3. all of them have white bubble/spots on
Perhaps posting in the right forum, tropical fish emergencies would get more responses.
i guess? it was on 5 of my tetras n a 10 gallon tank. all 5 the 10 is abandon. then i noticed it on my silverdollar.. want it to stop. its like the size of a needle tip..white dots all over..kinda shiny..can tell easier that they're on the fins then the body..but they're on there. theres 2 powerheads pumpin crap from the UGF so there's plenty of circulation. i have an airator(spelling) with an airstone thats on a decoration deal. and the pump is a penguin bio-wheel 125.

wats my other options?

thanks for the reply
Yes, you have ich in your tank. Why I didn't tell you that at first is because sometimes when people get the name of the disease, they don't focus on what CAUSED the disease. When fish get sick, it is usually because something is stressing them out. What you need to do is figure out what this is. Often a cause is bad water quality, so it is really important to check your water.

If you don't remove the cause, your fish will most likely die.
In general, it is best to not do such a drastic water change. It is very stressful for the fish. It is best to keep it to 25% as a max. Do you own a test kit? If not, you really should invest in one. If you absolutely cannot afford one right now, most LPS/LFS will test your water for free.

How long has your tank been set up for, what size is the one wiht the silver dollar in, and who else is in there?
nitrite-10.0(YIKES..this would be where i need the help at)
forgot to add the fish..

1 silver dollar

2 red belly pirahna's

1 needlefish

1 cat fish

1 sucker fish(name starts with a p)

20some rosey reds for the needlefish..i've seen the pirahna's feeding of them also so thats cool too..
Ok, your tank is still cycling. For today, do water changes every few hours (no more than 25%) until your nitrIte is below 1.0, preferably below .5. For the next several days, you are going to need to keep up with the daily water changes, as nitrIte is toxic to fish, and will stress them out, leading to diseases.

Are all those fish you posted in one 10 gal?
tttnjfttt said:
Are all those fish you posted in one 10 gal?
If they are, you're severely overstocked and are going to continue having problems and dying fish until you either get a bigger tank or rehome some of the fish.

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