do chicks dig your fish tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
alabama, USA
serious question.

almost every girl me or my roomate brings over immediately starts fawning all over it. its pretty cool :D

what about you guys?
i don't have a g/f. but all the girls i bring soon as they enter my room i get this.."ah cool" lol all the chicks i bring home r always dig'n the tanks. i have a 10g and a 40g,soon to get a 60g
mr_miagi32 said:
Maybe in need a portable tank to bring to uni with me then..... :whistle: :shifty:

Now there you go!

maybe we should all just wear a shirt with a picture of our aquarium on it ;)
LoachLover said:
maybe we should all just wear a shirt with a picture of our aquarium on it ;)

somehow i suspect that wouldn't have quite the desired effect... :p

i'd tell a gender-bending joke here, but since my FEMALE GENDER is no longer apparent in my profile... :grr: i'll just say that giant fishtanks don't have that same effect on boys. instead i just get a lot of "if i had a tank that big, i'd have an oscar" :rolleyes: why don't they like my cute little fish the way they are? :-(
I'm female myself, but all my female friends love my tanks (and think I'm crazy for having so many.) My male friends just think I'm crazy.... until they see the oscar jump or eat out of my hand, of course. Then they still think I'm crazy, but at least they are impressed :lol:

Edit: I think maybe girls are just impressed by the fact that you guys can actually maintain and take good care of something, lol. I know a lot of my male friends are pretty much incapable of that :rolleyes:
Without question. Then again, it doesn't matter, male or female, if you have an impressive looking tank. Everyone that enters my small apartment spends the first five minutes looking at the tank, and the next five minutes playing with my cat (she's a real cutie). After that they notice the huge stack of DVDs that consume my pay, and finally the artwork on the walls.
my gf and her friends love my tank, so much that she got one herself and now most of her friends have one too lol
My Mrs showed a total lack of interest in my 30UKG, but the 70UKG at night lit with blue LEDs she loves. She wanted us to sleep on the bloody futon last night so she could go to sleep watching it...
having a tank - good with chicks

start telling them about nitrate, ammonia, substrate, etc and they will think you are a geek! (chick tip!)
I'm a female too, but my girlfriend digs my aquariums. Although she's getting tired of me having so many, and still wanting more. But she likes them. And most of my female friends like them too. My male friends really just like the big Jack Dempsey.

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