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  1. M

    Triggers And Clowns?

    You could actually get a reef safe trigger will not harm your other fish. here are the reef safe one's Bluethroat trigger, Crosshatch Trigger and the Sargassum Triggerfish.
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    Teardrop Butterfly Not Eating

    I see you got these fish already 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish, 1 Royal Tang and 1 Bicolour Angel. Be careful what you add in with them. Doesn't your coral beauty and bicolor angel fight all the time??? I'm pretty sure your butterfly was getting picked on left and right by your other fish. Which...
  3. M

    Live Rock

    You could order some from this site they are very good to deal with. . They will ship to your local airport. Btw I'm glad i live in Ontario very easy to get LR. Last month i picked up 30lbs of Tonga for only $50.
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    Reef Safe?

    Has nothing to do with LR. Here's what it means Will eat corals, crustaceans, or other invertebrates, and/or small fish.
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    Help Picking A Cleanup Crew

    I would go with that package. They should've added some blue leg hermits and a Brittle Starfish though.
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    Hipppo Tang Info

    That's a very good idea Navarre. Now why didn't i ever do that.
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    Help (clown Fish + Yellow Tang)

    Are you looking at your fish at night or first thing in the morning?? Clown fish usually rub along the sand while they sleep. As for a white line on your tang's body sounds normal to me. I had my for 5 months and it has always had that white line.
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    It Is Done

    Your Tomato Clownfish's will grow Up to 6 inches.
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    Problem With Lr!

    That looks like The Xenia Pulsing Coral but is now dead. And is the oyster attached to a rock?? If so it probably dead.
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    Hey Hey Hey

    If you want fish that can be seen i wouldn't get the clown goby's. They are not swimmers, they just hide out and sit on LR all day long. I only see my when it's feeding time.
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    How To Qt Lr/ls/crabs/snails/corals

    I just set up a 10G QT tank and used the LR and water from the main tank. Question is do i need to let it cycle and should i use a hang on the back filter or just a powerhead?????
  12. M

    New Tank...

    The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish would probably eat the Swales Swissguard Basslet and the six line wrasse. Here's some info; The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, is also called the Shortfin Lionfish or simply the Dwarf Lionfish. It has red, white, and black vertical stripes along the body; large, fan-like...
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    Puffer Update, Still Not Full Marine, But Acclimating Well

    I'm confused....... Is a GSP FW or SW fish???? I wanted to get one for my GF, well any small puffer. She loves them.
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    Thats your answer right there. 40G is way to small to house the 2 of them. The Humphead Bannerfish, also known as the Heniochus Brown Butterflyfish needs at least 70G because they grow up to 8 inches. The Copperband Butterflyfish, also known as the Beaked Butterflyfish, Beaked Coralfish...
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    Most Butterflyfish use their sharp dorsal or top fin to defend themselves. Did you introduce these fish at the same time or did you just add the Copperband. Sounds to me like your Heniochus butterfly is defending his territory. There's a few things that could be wrong here. 1. Your tank...
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    New Stuff - Pics

    the prizm skimmer worked awesome for me. I got the deluxe model and i love it. I read so much reviews about it being loud and not pulling that much stuff out but to me it was so quiet and got a lot of stuff out. Tank looks nice and clean everyday now. I'm using it on a 55G, so i think it...
  17. M

    What's Your Favorite Affordable Fish?

    My is a Six-line wrasse. He comes out and stares at me when i come near the tank, swims all over the tank and even eats from my hand.
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    1500 Gallon Shark Tank

    here's what i found on them Typically, the Green Moray Eel is available as a juvenile, only a foot or so long. It grows quickly though, and will start consuming tank mates. It has also been known to bite its owner's hands at feeding...
  19. M

    Lemonpeel, Coral Beauty Here's a compatibility chart for marine fish. Just to let you know the LFS don't really care about these fish. They are only trying to make a buck or two. They put anything together, even really big angels in a very small aquarium...
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    Lemonpeel, Coral Beauty

    Yea you can try that. I added the bi-color angel fish the next day. Here's a site to read more about them and a bunch of fish
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    Lemonpeel, Coral Beauty

    I wouldn't add these two fish together. I have coral beauty that's about 2.5" and i tried adding another dwarf angel fish(bi-color angel). Which was about 2" long. The coral beauty just beat the hell out of the other guy. Two days later the other fish ended up dying. I only tried adding...
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    How Do I Know When My Tank Has Finished Cycling

    I have a 55 Gal Tank set-up for about 3 weeks now. I have 65lbs of live rock with 25lbs of Sea Aragonite. A overflow system with 30 Gal sump, 2 powerheads (450gph and 850gph), a 9w uv sterilizer, Prizm Deluxe protein skimmer. I have added a blue yellow-tail damsel and a orange diamond back...