Problem With Lr!


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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hi can anybody help i bought some live rock on wednesday from a guy selling up, it is covered much more then the stuff from my lfs which was quite dull, i think i got a really good deal too at 25 quid for 5 kgs, the trouble is one piece had a number of broccoli looking things on it that where stood up when i put it in but now are badly drooped and starting to go brown, is it because i dont have a blue actinc light just a standard right now, if anybody could let me know what i can do to save these i would appriciate that, also if they are too gone then will i endanger my cycle currently at 2 weeks , by leaving them there, my ammonia is 0, nitrates and nitrite both lowest on colour scale, ph 8.2 salinity 1.023, there is loads of things crawling around and i also have what he told me was oyster ive searched the net for info ont his but cant get any, it hasnt opened altall how do i tell if its alive, can you confirm the postition of the hole in the bottom, thanks in advance, denise


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That looks like The Xenia Pulsing Coral but is now dead.

And is the oyster attached to a rock?? If so it probably dead.
The rock has Xenia sp. coral on it.

They require quite low lighting but medium current so the best idea would be to dierect a powerhead at it.
You mention you only have 'standard' lighting.................what lighting is it?

If the Xenia dies it could spike the tank delaying the cycle so a bit of research into its requirements would be best.
Xenia sp. is rather hardy so theres a possibility it can be saved. I've known Xenia that has been left attached to the side of an empty tank which was outside and exposed to the elements for a few days, once the tank was filled with saltwater the Xenia came back to life :blink:
Yeah, thats a Xenia coral. As aquascaper mentioned, its very hardy and will likely come back to life eventually. It wont tolerate ammonia or nitrites, and requires "decent" calcium and alkalinity.
thanks for that, i have moved a jet to it so ill have to wait and see if it comes back, as i said it was heatly on wednesday and thursday, it has become more brown now so may have gone should i remove it then? the oyster is not attatched to rock, but still has not opened, i have added a pic hopefully it didnt work before,

another coral pic !! the standard lighting is tropical tank lights still waiting for t5's from ebay with one blue actnic and 2 plain bulbs, as tank was cycling didnt expect to buy rock with coral to be honest i havt looked into coral allt hat much as i was mainly interested in the fish expecting the tank to be a long way off putting anything like coral or anemonies into it, still havnt got the clean up crew in as im still building a sump
thanks for the quick replys guys.


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