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Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2006
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well EVERYONE it would be great for your input... In my tank i have a clown and blenny. in a month i want to add 3-5 very very small schooling fishes like a type of goby or something that will stay very small and be interesting to watch as a schooling species and being small wont produce alot of waste. so i was wondering if anyone knew of any very small schooling, inexpensive, colorful fish, ive found a catalina goby but i think they might get too big! also ive foudn a red striped goby that claims to school well. i dont want any chromis although they are cool they grow too large! would a clown goby school, they stay small. thanks for the help.
I dont know about their size restrictions, but Scissortail Gobies school well
Blue chromis, inexpensive, sort of schooling and kind of small.

My LFS doing a deal on them at the mo buy 2 get one free and at £5 each, £20 your done
i would only do three fish as you will then be at your tanks capacity i believe. also you may want to stay away from the catalina goby as they come from an area where the temperature is lower so putting them in your tank is not good for the fish and also gives them a very short life span.hope that helps
well im not getting alot of fish but the filtration i have (NOT SET UP) is meant for a 90 gallon for when i get a bigger tank and if i get the full number of fish i can than i might set it up so i wouldnt have to worry about filtration but i think it definitley would be overkill, so i plan on a flame, a baby dory 3/4 of an inch so itl stay small until i update in a 1/2 year. then 3( your right 5 is too many) very small schooling fish, my lfs had all the clown gobies together and they looked great and were swimming around together so that might be okay, ya catalina gobies are awsome looking but if thats the case since their from mexico than ill skip those, unless i can lower the temp in my tank... but it probably still wouldnt suit em. last night i found a bar goby and they school well i suppose and would look cool and stay small, oh well thanx for your help those are probably gonna be next since their so small. ill just have to run upon somethign amazing. The lfs had dories 1/2 inch so maybe those would be better since there so small by the time they reach 1.5 inches they will be in my 80 gallon. :) or i can skip those thats a touchy subject to talk to everyone about.
the smallest schooling fishes I know are chromis and cardinals.

You could always add a "school" (or whatever a group of shrimp are called) of cleaner shrimp. Bloods or skunks.
If you want fish that can be seen i wouldn't get the clown goby's.

They are not swimmers, they just hide out and sit on LR all day long.

I only see my when it's feeding time.
ya, idno i just wanted my tank to seem like the ocean with some big fidh then some very small fish like the ocean has minnos and so my tank could have blank_________ but i think i will wait till i get a biggwer tank so i have more choices liek chromis, the green chromis is awsome... thanx everyone

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