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  1. D

    Big Makeover of tanks to become one!

    Hey xan, thanks for the input, yes i am using sand as a substrate and whilst i do have guppies i also work at my lfs so any little fry that do get produced are brought up in a breeding trap for a couple of weeks and then taken to work where they can live without the fear of all the other...
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    new cats

    the common plec with outgrow ur tank and 3 in a 120litres is probs too much for the filters to handle so if u want another plec id recommend selling the common plec and then buyin a smaller growing different type of ancistrus for example starlight or alternatively something like a bulldog plec...
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    Leucistic Neon Tetras

    lol could i be on a wild goose chase!! obviously they exist bt i dont think ill ever find any!
  4. D

    Big Makeover of tanks to become one!

    lol thanks! i loved the dwarf puffers but they just aint a suitable community tank fish are they! lol hmm i realise the guppy ratio is out of proportion but its due to having guppies reproduce, the adults found another home, and im left with what i have. the only good thing i guess is that...
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    Leucistic Neon Tetras

    Thanks! Yeah i dont really hold much hope as it was the thread that was the the first time id seen there. They look cool tho.. Dman99
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    pictures of my tank

    I second that!
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    Leucistic Neon Tetras

    Thanks guppygirl! Dman99
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    Big Makeover of tanks to become one!

    Hey. I used to have a fair few tanks, with bettas, breeding bristlenoses, dwarf puffers and a few 50G's. As a student i realised a large proportion of my money was goin on fish. And so i had to do something about it!! I havent been posting on here for a couple of weeks, all the time i was busy...
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    Leucistic Neon Tetras

    I recently saw a post the picures forum about these leucistic neon tetras? Does anyone know of anywher in West Yorkshire that sells them?? Thanks, Dman99
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    pictures of my tank

    hey loates123, at the start of this thread i found it very annoyin with people not listenin 2 information but i love ur tank!! i think ur very lucky to have a tank lookin so nice. its good ur askin questions and hopefully anytime now we're guna get an update and see ur tank!! dman99
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    Convict fry

    Thanks! Well thats what im tryin, finel crushed flakes and lets hope they do well! Dman99
  12. D

    Aquarium Ideas

    Loaches would be good. I second everything that has been previously said, 7 angels is way too many, 4 would be more suitable and you might get a breeding pair. With the 3 golden gouramis, theyre beautiful fish but occupy the same area of the tank as the angels and so you many notice conflict...
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    Convict fry

    Any good suggestions to increase survival rate? They're 1 day old!!
  14. D

    Sized tank for an oscar?

    Thanks very much! I'm gunna have to get savin!
  15. D

    Synodontis eupterus, how big are they as adults?

    How big are they when theyre full size please! I have one and did do research but have received mized reviews so just lookin for help from you all! Thanks, Dman99
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    Sized tank for an oscar?

    Hey, I know oscars grow bery large and dont presently have one but i was just wondering what sort of tank size is required for an adult?
  17. D

    My first Oscar - Joe

    How big a tank would you need for a fully grown oscar??? providin it was the only inhabitant.
  18. D

    ive got

    Also your silver sharks are the same thing as bala sharks. They'll each grow to about a foot in length and so you really need at least a 125G for 4 of them so unless you're planning to rapidly upgrade id get rid now!
  19. D

    Buying fish tomorrow? Good idea?

    Yeah i know that, but earlier on in the post i told everyone how the tank was fully stocked on friday morning yet empty friday night as i was restocking it. Therefore i had to stock it to previous stockin level as to not lose bacteria and cause it to recycle. So then buyin all those fish was a...
  20. D

    Buying fish tomorrow? Good idea?

    Thanks for everyones suggestions, as you know i went to the LFS and i bought: 6 x peppered corydoras at 1.99 each 2 x rams (gorgeous!) at 4.99 each 2 x angels 3.99 each 5 x glass cats at 1.99 each 1 x african butterflyfish at 5.99 It totalled 47pounds rounded up but i think it was well worth...
  21. D

    Buying fish tomorrow? Good idea?

    Yeah? Thanks. I was thinkin it would be pointless to start of with 4 fish in a 30G if this morning there were loads in it especially when i have the opportunity to buy them tomorrow. Thanks, Dman99
  22. D

    Buying fish tomorrow? Good idea?

    A few days ago i posted on here about a suggested stocking list for a 30G tank. The tank has a fully cycled filter and up until earlier today was stocked with other fish, it is now empty and tomorrow i am going to the LFS, i phoned them today and enquired of the fish i decided on. They have them...
  23. D

    How many gallons is my pond?

    Lol thanks, dnt worry the koi is only temporary. I was thinking abt orfe?
  24. D

    Lucky they didn't...

    I know, its happens at least a few times a day where customers come in tryin to buy tropical fish with a goldfish bowl, or they wanna buy their first fish and tank on the same day or the have a community tank and the wanna buy Lake Malawi cichlids or they have a 60litre and they want a shoal of...
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    Lucky they didn't...

    I'm 17 and ive just started working part time in my LFS so i know im not gonna get ignored and if customers dont listen to me they dont get their fish!!!
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    How many gallons is my pond?

    Thanks, so thats 540G? And so with my fish, is there room for any additions?
  27. D

    How many gallons is my pond?

    Hey, I have a garden pond that is 2.5m x 1m x 1m 1.5. How many gallons is that? Currently in the pond there is: 1 x Shiro Utsuro Koi (5inch) 1 x Shubunkin (6inch) 4 x Goldfish (5 inches) So what sort of options do i have for adding to my stocklist? Thanks, Dman99
  28. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Thanks everyone, I'll see how it goes and post pics for u all later! Thanks, Dman99
  29. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Yeah thanks, youve been really helpful. I wanted firemouths, my LFS has them they look nice bt heard they can be agressive?
  30. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Yeh, i was thinking that but ive kept rainbows before. Theyre beautiful fish, just tryin 2 think of sumthin different and its very hard!
  31. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Second thoughts! Whilst looking at my stocking list i have chosen i was wondering if anyone had any ideas for that sized tank. I love cories, dont really like middle layer shoaling fish but i really like oddball fish, or more unusual fish. If anyone could suggest anything itd be great...
  32. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Thanks! Yay, finally. My LFS stocks all of these fish so over the next few months ill be slowly introducing them, and when its all complete with sand and a centre piece of bogwood with live plants ill post pics!! Thanks, Dman99
  33. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Hmm, thanks for ur suggestions. This is harder than i thought. How about; 1 x albino bristlenose plec (at the moment hes just under an inch long) 1 x albino red finned shark 6 x corydoras 2 x rams 2 x angels 3 x blind cave fish 3 x glass cats 1 x african butterflyfish Any better? And if...
  34. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    --Revised stocking list-- 1 x albino bristlenose 8 x peppered corydoras 1 x banjo catfish 1 x albino red tailed shark 2 x synodontis nigrentis 2 x rams 3 x glass cats 3 x blind cave fish 2 x angelfish 1 x african butterflyfish ?????????? Thanks everyone, Dman99
  35. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Ok thanks, if its between kribs and rams then im going to go for the rams. As for the butterfly fish, ive kept them before and ive never witnessed any unusual agression, they pretty much keep themselves to themselves.
  36. D

    New Community Tank Planned

    A large shoal of marbled hatchetfish would look good as theyre small shoaling fish and theyre an ususual shape! I've had them before and theyre really interesting fish.
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    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Lol, s'ok. Its a 30G tank. Is it alright then?
  38. D

    Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

    Hey, i have a 36x12x18 aquarium completely cycled and now i am stocking it, i have come up with this list and just wanted to know how suitable it was and if they fit in the tank. -1 x albino bristlenose plec -1 x banjo catfish -8 x peppered corydoras -1 x albino red tailed shark -3 x blind cave...
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    What is the bestest tropical fish out there?

    lol, thats what i like 2 see! thanks everyone, this is going really well
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    Upside Down Catfish

    lol thanks, i really dont want that to happen! i think il get 3 then hopefully next time im there. thanks everyone, dman99