Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?

Second thoughts!

Whilst looking at my stocking list i have chosen i was wondering if anyone had any ideas for that sized tank.

I love cories, dont really like middle layer shoaling fish but i really like oddball fish, or more unusual fish. If anyone could suggest anything itd be great.

What about rainbowfish, plenty to choose from including dwarf varieties. They are a bit different but reasonably easy to get hold of and fine with corys.
Yeh, i was thinking that but ive kept rainbows before. Theyre beautiful fish, just tryin 2 think of sumthin different and its very hard!
A couple of firemouth's would work but would cut down your options for other tankmates a bit.

What about Rams, again plenty to choose from.
Yeah thanks, youve been really helpful. I wanted firemouths, my LFS has them they look nice bt heard they can be agressive?
They are mildy aggressive by cichlid standards but are genrally ok with non agressive fish who do not threaten them. They do get pretty big and may eat fish smaller than 1.5 inches when fully grown.

I've kept them in a community tank with various tetra's etc and never had a problem. Had a big problem in a tank with a red tailed black shark though. 1 medium sized FM and the RTBS just went at it permanently and had to seperate them, this was a bad combo though as both can be agressive. Other than that no probs.
NO!!! No firemouths, terrible bit of advice, they are NOT community fish and should be in 55G really.

I would stock this:

1 x albino bristlenose plec (at the moment hes just under an inch long)
1 x albino red finned shark
6 x corydoras
2 x rams
6 x glass cats
1 x african butterflyfish

Glass cats need to be in a larger group, so 6+ is better, and i have cut out the blind cave fish as they aren't that much fun to watch unless you have a large group of them.

Also cut out the Angels, think theres a bit too much with them in there aswell as the rams and everything else.

You gotta remember about their future size and what your tank will be like then.

If you want the 2 angels i would cut out the rams, they are compatible, but i wouldnt have both unless your 30G has some good filtration and has lots of plants.

NO!!! No firemouths, terrible bit of advice, they are NOT community fish and should be in 55G really

The suggestion for FM's is not for a community tank, just that they are ok with corys, the request was for fresh ideas, not to add to the original suggestions. Also 1 or 2 FM's is possible in a 30 gal tank if stocked correctly. Please read the whole post before quoting things like terrible advice.
You suggest firemouths, and going with the stocking list he has created, i will say it again. Terrible suggestion..

Ben :p
Second thoughts!

Whilst looking at my stocking list i have chosen i was wondering if anyone had any ideas for that sized tank.

I love cories, dont really like middle layer shoaling fish but i really like oddball fish, or more unusual fish. If anyone could suggest anything itd be great.


Like i said, read the whole post, Dman99 wanted new suggestions as a complete alternative to his original idea except for the corys. I certainly wouldn't add FM's to the original list.
Maybe purple spotted gudgeon or badis badis or killifish or maybe a pair of keyholes... Obviously not altogether but I'm sure you could work something out and they are more unusual.
Thanks everyone,

I'll see how it goes and post pics for u all later!


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