Stocking a 30G, are these fish ok together?


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey, i have a 36x12x18 aquarium completely cycled and now i am stocking it, i have come up with this list and just wanted to know how suitable it was and if they fit in the tank.

-1 x albino bristlenose plec
-1 x banjo catfish
-8 x peppered corydoras
-1 x albino red tailed shark
-3 x blind cave fish
-2 x kribensis
-2 x german rams
-2 x koi angels
-3 x glass catfish
-1 x african butterflyfish

Is this ok?
he says it in the title GSlover,30 gals

im sorry but you cant keep two pairs of dwarf cichlids in there,so decide between either the kribs or rams,

sorry cant help with the rest

ABFs arnt aggresive, they just will eat anything that fits into their mouths, and they only take live foods,otherwise theyre placid,but are knowen to be jumpers,so a lid is a must

i know i said i didnt know anymore, but i couldnt helpmy self

Ok thanks, if its between kribs and rams then im going to go for the rams. As for the butterfly fish, ive kept them before and ive never witnessed any unusual agression, they pretty much keep themselves to themselves.
--Revised stocking list--

1 x albino bristlenose
8 x peppered corydoras
1 x banjo catfish
1 x albino red tailed shark
2 x synodontis nigrentis
2 x rams
3 x glass cats
3 x blind cave fish
2 x angelfish
1 x african butterflyfish

Thanks everyone,
24 fish? Seems like quite a lot for a 30g

I was scared I would be overstocking if I added 3 more fish and 3 frogs.

To me, your fish sound fine, and very interesting aswell, remember to take pics when you have them all in!
I'd say you've a few too many fish there, especially bottom feeders.

12 bottom feeders plus other fish who spend most of their time in the lower part of the aquarium is too many IMO. I would either drop the corys or significantly reduce their number, this will make the stocking levels more realistic and aleviate the crowding at the bottom.
Hmm, thanks for ur suggestions. This is harder than i thought.

How about;

1 x albino bristlenose plec (at the moment hes just under an inch long)
1 x albino red finned shark
6 x corydoras
2 x rams
2 x angels
3 x blind cave fish
3 x glass cats
1 x african butterflyfish

Any better? And if this is still unsuitable does anyone have any stocking suggestions incorporating some of these fish?

Much better, I would say you'd have a very happy and settled tank there. :)

Yay, finally. My LFS stocks all of these fish so over the next few months ill be slowly introducing them, and when its all complete with sand and a centre piece of bogwood with live plants ill post pics!!

Pics would be great :D , it's nice to see how people set their tanks up. Enjoy!

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