Big Makeover of tanks to become one!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey. I used to have a fair few tanks, with bettas, breeding bristlenoses, dwarf puffers and a few 50G's. As a student i realised a large proportion of my money was goin on fish. And so i had to do something about it!! I havent been posting on here for a couple of weeks, all the time i was busy sorting out my tanks!

Through work, i found buyers for all my equipment, i mean every tank!! However i planned it so that when i got my new 70G i still had previous tanks to help sort it. I transfered two of my filters from the 50's into the 70 with their old filter media and between my tanks i filled the 70. An instantly cycled tank!! Then i picked what i hope is a suitable stocking list and put them in the new tank before selling the rest of my equipment and fish. It wasnt an ideal solution but it frees up time and money whilst i still have a great 70G!

What does everybody think of the stockin list? I think it should be ok bt any comments/ advice would be welcomed.

Thanks everyone,
hrm... looks a tad overstocked, but it also sounds overfiltered so *shrug* just make certain there's enough aeration. (is it a 70g or a 90g? if its a 90, then the stock level should be fine.)

biggest problem i see is that you've got 8 male guppies for just 3 females. that's the complete inverse of the recommended ratio. either pull out all the females or triple their numbers (so its at least 1:1)

other than that, sounds pretty good (you have no idea how relieved i am not to see the dwarf puffers in there.)

lol thanks!

i loved the dwarf puffers but they just aint a suitable community tank fish are they! lol

hmm i realise the guppy ratio is out of proportion but its due to having guppies reproduce, the adults found another home, and im left with what i have. the only good thing i guess is that the juvenile females are really quite large in comparison to the young males who are small. instead of buyin to solve the problem i think il add a couple females and take away 6 of the males.

it is a 90G so by my calculations its alrite...?

im lovin fishkeepin, its jst a shame im only young and lets say 'without money' lol.

As its a 90G, (no idea y i put 70 in the post) i figured 2 filters previously running 50G's should be good. The tanks is 48inches x 24inches x 18inches.

Thanks pica, any more suggestions are welcomes with regards the fish i chose to mix, if i need to remove something because in the long term something might happen or even any cool suggestions for possibilities in a tank like that...

Thanks everyone,
Hey dman,
my suggestion isn't about fish so much as substrate. What are you using? I'm hoping sand to keep the kuhli's happy. you do know that some of your fish may reproduce in that tank of course? not such a bad thing but they might get eaten :no: but it depends if you mind that or not. a school of corydoras might help too...
hope this helps puts more ideas into the fray
cheers, xan
Hey xan, thanks for the input, yes i am using sand as a substrate and whilst i do have guppies i also work at my lfs so any little fry that do get produced are brought up in a breeding trap for a couple of weeks and then taken to work where they can live without the fear of all the other predators!! I would love a shoal of corydoras just not too sure i have the room? Do ya thinks its viable?

Thanks xan,

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