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  1. C

    Ph Levels In Tank.

    I've never had one, but my dad's got shredded in a day which is my only experience of them. A lot of other people agree with that, however with tetras and livebearers other than guppies, they seem to do ok. edit: can't imagine it goes well with angels either
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    Crazy Question / Idea!

    I think you might get away with 2 Rams, certainly not 4 though. A 4ft tank would be more suitable though
  3. C

    Ph Levels In Tank.

    Shoaling fish are in too small groups (neons and harlequins). Clown Loach and Bala shark need to be in bigger groups and will grow too big for a 4ft tank. Fighter fish don't really go well in community aquariums
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    Breeding Rams?

    Get a group and let them pair up, then remove other rams. Forcing a pair together will not guarantee they breed. Also make sure water conditions are good for them. Rams will probably eat their first few attempts, may be worth getting a seperate tank for the fry if they continuously do that
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    Glass And Lights

    Glass filters out UV, I don't know if it will cause a problem. I don't think anything needs UV to survive. Why can't you put the glass above the lightsource? Or get a large placstic sheet and cut it to the size of your tank so it sits nicely on top
  6. C

    Kribs N Shrimp?

    Ammano shrimp grow quite big. My rams never bother them. Barely ever see them though, they love to hide
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    Restocking A 55 Gallon Planted Tank

    Up the cories and gold barbs to 6 of each. Adding all of the rest at the same time will probably give you a mini-cycle and start getting ammonia readings. I'd go for adding 1 group at a time. Cardinals and neon tetras are very similar looking, but most people think cardinals are easier to...
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    Fish Of The Month - March 2011

    4ft with 2 caves, 2 bogwood pieces and a fair few plants. Ideally I'd like to get some females to go with them, would it be a problem if 2 paired up? Would they gang up on the others?
  9. C

    High Nitrite For Over 3 Weeks

    If you're cycling atm, then adding baking soda counteracts the drop in Ph to help the bacteria to multiply. Once the cycle is complete, you should get a steady Ph around that of your tap water. Most people tend to have it slightly higher in the tank than tap. What is your tap water?
  10. C

    How Do I Reduce Ph?

    It was about 1 1/2 weeks old and had been filtered for 3-4 weeks without any fish when i first bought it and had no problems before i went on my 3 day vacation Did you add ammonia whilst it was filtering for 3-4 weeks? How long have the fish been in? Sounds like the tank is cycling.
  11. C

    Air Pump Filter?

    That works by the bubbles moving up and kind of pulling water up with them. This will mean that water flows down through the gravel (where it is filtered and all the good bacteria is). How is this done? I have a Tetra Whisper60. I don't know, if it fits nicely on top, then some way of...
  12. C

    How Do I Reduce Ph?

    That's my point about the fish not knowing. You say the Ph for them is 6.5 - 7, I think it's actually a bit either side of that, but there is unlikely to be any negative effects seen in Ph from 5.5 - 8.5. You might struggle to get fish to breed if they're not in their favourite conditions, but...
  13. C

    Air Pump Filter?

    Ahh, you're talking about an under gravel filter. You can get cartridge air powered filters aswell. That works by the bubbles moving up and kind of pulling water up with them. This will mean that water flows down through the gravel (where it is filtered and all the good bacteria is). I don't...
  14. C

    Best Fish For A Starter

    Zebra danios prefer cooler water than most tropical fish. They are hardy little buggers, but that doesn't mean you should abuse them. about the tank size, the calculations were probably a problem with the units. There's a popular stocking website that always messes up the units when I've put...
  15. C

    Air Bubbles On Fish?

    I would have guessed ich also. Does your filter create tiny bubbles? Do you have an air pump? If you have lots of tiny bubbles in the tank then maybe they're sticking to the fish, doesn't sound particularly likely but they do stick to my glass occasionally
  16. C

    How Do I Reduce Ph?

    I'm not saying it doesn't need adjustment, without knowing which fish you keep and what the Ph is, that's impossible to say. But if the fish are happy as it is, then it sounds ok. I have fish that prefer acidic water that did fine when my Ph was high. It got as high as 8.5+ at one point. They...
  17. C

    Air Pump Filter?

    I'm not sure what exactly you have, but they work by pumping air through the filter which essentially moves the water causing it to filter. I'd expect this method is much less efficient than a pumped filter as the water turnover is tiny and it doesn't really move water about much. Carbon...
  18. C

    How Do I Reduce Ph?

    If it's acidic then you want to raise the Ph. A liquid test kit might be a better choice for you. Hard water and acidic is almost conflicting. Hard water would generally have a higher Ph than soft. It is good to monitor to make sure you aren't getting swings as this can indicate problems in...
  19. C

    High Nitrite For Over 3 Weeks

    Fish are quite tolerant to Ph swings. Mine went up to the high 8s with an algae bloom and my tap water changed from about 7.6 to 6.6. I don't know when this happened, but the fish never had a problem. If it greatly fluctuates then smaller water changes more often would be the best bet. Ph...
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    Local Water Supply

    Your water board. Mine has stats listed on their website although my Ph doesn't come through as what they state...
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    How Do I Reduce Ph?

    The question is, why do you want to? The fish won't know... What is the current Ph and reason for wanting to reduce it? What is tap water Ph and is it hard water?
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    Fish Of The Month - March 2011

    You didn't vote for yourself?! I like your checkerboard, how many of them do you have? I have a couple that I was told were m/f, but they're starting to colour up and both seem male now... will they get on or will they get aggressive against each other when they mature?
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    After My Tetras And Barbs.......

    Don't take it as gospel. They're still on the small side for a fish that large, but it sounds like they're quite peaceful towards fish too big to eat, so adult kribs sound like they'd be ok to me. Someone who has experience of the bgk will have a much more valid contribution than mine
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    After My Tetras And Barbs.......

    1 bgk 1 peacock eel 1 rtbs 1 albino longfin bristlenose plec Is that your future stock? Just had a quick read and bgk is unlikely to grow above 12" in captivity, so may be ok with kribs. Peacock eels I know nothing about but I hear they're peaceful and good community fish. RTBS reportedly get...
  25. C

    After My Tetras And Barbs.......

    I don't know anything other than what I read on your other post about BGK fish, but a fish that grows 20" and is a carnivore sounds likely to try to eat a kribensis. What size is your tank? Maybe some slightly larger cichlids would go well.
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    2Nd 405 Filter

    Best to go in through the top. If you tee them off, it might reduce the flow rate from both filters slightly
  27. C

    Lack Of Oxygen?

    I don't believe that is true. Surely it is much the same as in humans whereby oxygen is 'breathed' in and carbon dioxide comes out. Otherwise the oxygen must disappear for more to be taken in by the water. Try angling the filter jet out of the water to create as much surface agitation as...
  28. C

    Help With New Fish Choice

    Not too keen on the pink, but nice looking tank. Looks like you have live plants that are weighted and wrapped in wool? These need removing and planting so their roots can grow in the gravel. You may also find that you will need to feed them nutrients or else they wither away. I think with...
  29. C

    Test Kit Accuracy

    Never had any experience of test strips, but I have had rogue readings from API. I think residue from previous tests can affect the results so make sure it is rinsed with the water you're testing before taking a sample
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    New Lightbulb - Which One?

    I assume this is a Juwel tube/tank? Sounds like a T8 if so and it most likely is 438mm I don't think the type of light matters too much for plants, but my success with plants is poor so somebody else would be better to answer that one
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    New Lightbulb - Which One?

    T5 and T8 are 2 different types of fluorescent tube. T5 has a smaller diameter tube but outputs a brighter light and uses more power. To get 1wpg you may have to change if it uses T5. I'm in a similar situation, but it is difficult to get hold of the correct length fittings for my tank, so have...
  32. C

    Filter Died, Have To Fish-In-Cycle

    Did you treat the water when you did a 100% water change? Changing the substrate probably wasn't the best idea as some bacteria was most likely living in there aswell, but that's a bit too late now. If the filter media was still in the tank, it should have some bacteria still alive if it was...