Kribs N Shrimp?

Brine Shrimp tend to be Kribs favourite meal, so when they get older, I would be inclined to say yes, they would eat the Shrimps.
Brine Shrimp tend to be Kribs favourite meal, so when they get older, I would be inclined to say yes, they would eat the Shrimps.

Ammano shrimp grow quite big. My rams never bother them. Barely ever see them though, they love to hide
Could the larger species, like Bamboo or African Fan Shrimp work?
At the minute I've got about 15 Cherry Shrimp.

There's a really nice male Krib at work, really want him :(
Hmm, maybe I should rehome my Cherries then, as this male really has caught my eye! The orange on his fins is so bright! Plus the fact that orange is my favourite colour lol!

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