After My Tetras And Barbs.......

Nov 8, 2010
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due to bgks mouth size, im moving out my buenos aires tetras and rosey barbs and lyertail AND corys to my brothers 75 gal tank soon. then if none of my fish die, this will be my new stock:

1 bgk
1 peacock eel
1 rtbs
1 albino longfin bristlenose plec

and im thinking about what fish i can get after i send them to my brothers 75 gal. dont critizise me for being stupid for asking this, (STUPID QUESTION) maybe, just maybe can i get a kribesis? DO NOT KILL ME FOR ASKING THIS OK!? if not, then what really cool fish can i get that is compatible with the new stock list above?

(i did not move the tetras, barbs, lyertail, and corys yet because my brothers tank isnt set up yet)

der....hey, does anyone here think that my future stock will go along with a kribesis? (newbie question, i know)
if not, them what really cool and pretty fish will get along?

i would love to have an answer.
der....hey, does anyone here think that my future stock will go along with a kribesis? (newbie question, i know)
if not, them what really cool and pretty fish will get along?

I don't know anything other than what I read on your other post about BGK fish, but a fish that grows 20" and is a carnivore sounds likely to try to eat a kribensis.

What size is your tank?

Maybe some slightly larger cichlids would go well.
der....hey, does anyone here think that my future stock will go along with a kribesis? (newbie question, i know)
if not, them what really cool and pretty fish will get along?

I don't know anything other than what I read on your other post about BGK fish, but a fish that grows 20" and is a carnivore sounds likely to try to eat a kribensis.

What size is your tank?

Maybe some slightly larger cichlids would go well.

my tank size is 90 gallons. i hope you read my future stock.
1 bgk
1 peacock eel
1 rtbs
1 albino longfin bristlenose plec

Is that your future stock?

Just had a quick read and bgk is unlikely to grow above 12" in captivity, so may be ok with kribs. Peacock eels I know nothing about but I hear they're peaceful and good community fish. RTBS reportedly get territorial when aldult, I've not experienced that with my old one though, and you have a large tank so should be ok. Plec is fine with kribs.

Not sure on your water parameters, but other nice dwarf cichlids are Bolivian Rams, Apistogramma Cacatuoides and Checkerboard Cichlids. All relatively easy to keep with the correct environment
1 bgk
1 peacock eel
1 rtbs
1 albino longfin bristlenose plec

Is that your future stock?

Just had a quick read and bgk is unlikely to grow above 12" in captivity, so may be ok with kribs. Peacock eels I know nothing about but I hear they're peaceful and good community fish. RTBS reportedly get territorial when aldult, I've not experienced that with my old one though, and you have a large tank so should be ok. Plec is fine with kribs.

Not sure on your water parameters, but other nice dwarf cichlids are Bolivian Rams, Apistogramma Cacatuoides and Checkerboard Cichlids. All relatively easy to keep with the correct environment
really? thanks for everything!
1 bgk
1 peacock eel
1 rtbs
1 albino longfin bristlenose plec

Is that your future stock?

Just had a quick read and bgk is unlikely to grow above 12" in captivity, so may be ok with kribs. Peacock eels I know nothing about but I hear they're peaceful and good community fish. RTBS reportedly get territorial when aldult, I've not experienced that with my old one though, and you have a large tank so should be ok. Plec is fine with kribs.

Not sure on your water parameters, but other nice dwarf cichlids are Bolivian Rams, Apistogramma Cacatuoides and Checkerboard Cichlids. All relatively easy to keep with the correct environment
really? thanks for everything!

Don't take it as gospel. They're still on the small side for a fish that large, but it sounds like they're quite peaceful towards fish too big to eat, so adult kribs sound like they'd be ok to me. Someone who has experience of the bgk will have a much more valid contribution than mine
1 bgk
1 peacock eel
1 rtbs
1 albino longfin bristlenose plec

Is that your future stock?

Just had a quick read and bgk is unlikely to grow above 12" in captivity, so may be ok with kribs. Peacock eels I know nothing about but I hear they're peaceful and good community fish. RTBS reportedly get territorial when aldult, I've not experienced that with my old one though, and you have a large tank so should be ok. Plec is fine with kribs.

Not sure on your water parameters, but other nice dwarf cichlids are Bolivian Rams, Apistogramma Cacatuoides and Checkerboard Cichlids. All relatively easy to keep with the correct environment
really? thanks for everything!

Don't take it as gospel. They're still on the small side for a fish that large, but it sounds like they're quite peaceful towards fish too big to eat, so adult kribs sound like they'd be ok to me. Someone who has experience of the bgk will have a much more valid contribution than mine
lol alright! what other fish besides chilids could work?

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