Ph Levels In Tank.


Fish Addict
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
North Staffs
Ive been running my 4ft tank for 6 months or so and everything is fine.
50% water change at the weekend and now my PH is down from 6.8 to 6.0.
What can I add to get the levels back up ?
My tap water is 7.0
Don't use sodium bicarbonate if you have fish in the tank. That's only for using when the pH crashes during a fishless cycle.

Is your tapwater soft? If it is, you can increase the hardness and pH by putting a bag of crushed coral or shells in your filter. This will raise your KH which will help stabilise pH. The coral/shells won't act instantly but will slowly dissolve, gradually adding calcium carnonate to the water.
Don't use sodium bicarbonate if you have fish in the tank.

It is not worth adjusting the pH most of the time because eventually it will only "crash" back to what it has settled at. On the other hand, adding crushed coral (large coral sand) to the filter will probably do enough for what you want and is a good long term solution.

p.s. if you don't already know, your stocking is not the best ever and you should review it.
p.s. if you don't already know, your stocking is not the best ever and you should review it.

Pray tell me why ?

Shoaling fish are in too small groups (neons and harlequins). Clown Loach and Bala shark need to be in bigger groups and will grow too big for a 4ft tank. Fighter fish don't really go well in community aquariums
p.s. if you don't already know, your stocking is not the best ever and you should review it.

Pray tell me why ?

Shoaling fish are in too small groups (neons and harlequins). Clown Loach and Bala shark need to be in bigger groups and will grow too big for a 4ft tank. Fighter fish don't really go well in community aquariums

I disagree. But it does generally depend on the personality of your fish AND the current community.
p.s. if you don't already know, your stocking is not the best ever and you should review it.

Pray tell me why ?

Shoaling fish are in too small groups (neons and harlequins). Clown Loach and Bala shark need to be in bigger groups and will grow too big for a 4ft tank. Fighter fish don't really go well in community aquariums

I disagree. But it does generally depend on the personality of your fish AND the current community.

I've never had one, but my dad's got shredded in a day which is my only experience of them. A lot of other people agree with that, however with tetras and livebearers other than guppies, they seem to do ok.

edit: can't imagine it goes well with angels either
p.s. if you don't already know, your stocking is not the best ever and you should review it.

Pray tell me why ?

Shoaling fish are in too small groups (neons and harlequins). Clown Loach and Bala shark need to be in bigger groups and will grow too big for a 4ft tank. Fighter fish don't really go well in community aquariums

I disagree. But it does generally depend on the personality of your fish AND the current community.

I've never had one, but my dad's got shredded in a day which is my only experience of them. A lot of other people agree with that, however with tetras and livebearers other than guppies, they seem to do ok.

edit: can't imagine it goes well with angels either

Had the tank running for 3 months with current stocking and no problems with any fish in there :)

Must be lucky....
I'd probably be concerned about the sharks with the bettas more than anything else.
I'd probably be concerned about the sharks with the bettas more than anything else.

My harlequins, zebrea and tetras shoal together. Very nice to watch....
Bala Sharks I have had in this tank for 3 months but bought them about 6 months ago and they are very happy also.

Zoomie is not aggressive to any fish in the tank. Not even the platty fry when I had them.

Peaceful tank :)
p.s. if you don't already know, your stocking is not the best ever and you should review it.
Pray tell me why ?
210 Litre :
* 4 neons - schooling, should be kept in groups of 6+
* 2 angels - ok, although I prefer to have a 6*2*2 for a group of 6+ because in my experience they do much better in groups and in a 6ft, the rest should be able to get well away from a breeding pair
* 7 peppered corys - ok
* 3 clown loach - schooling, so should be kept in groups of 6+ and get large enough to need at least a 6*2*2 ft tank
* 2 bala shark - schooling, so should be kept in groups of 6+ and get large enough to need at least a 6*2*2 ft tank
* 13 platies - ok
* 6 zebra tetra - ..zebra danio? Or what is the scientific name? Should be ok
* 4 harlequins - schooling, keep in groups of 6+
* 20 cherry shrimp - aka loach snacks
* 1 male Betta - most males will stress themselves to death in a tank that size, but I have seen it work on a few occasions in planted tanks

70 Litre : ok

66 Litre :
* 1 female Betta - ok
* 2 angels - must have at least 18 inch tall by 3ft long tank to grow, see above for more

My harlequins, zebrea and tetras shoal together. Very nice to watch....
...because they do not have any alternative. Real schools are much more pleasant to watch.

Bala Sharks I have had in this tank for 3 months but bought them about 6 months ago and they are very happy also.
How big are they? If you bought them at 2", they should be around 6-8" by now.

Peaceful tank :)
Unfortunately, it will be only until the point when one of the larger fish turns around and starts chomping on its tank mates.. this will happen and without any warnings. Also the larger fish will have health problems and short lifespan related to stunting.
Your neon will also become fish food when the angels get bigger.
As I said, all happy in the tanks, and once a fish outgrows the tank I will re-home.

Angels are in the 66ltr as my tank cracked so had to put them there for the time being. Whilst in the Hex 66ltr, they spawned :) so can stay there until fry are ready.

One more thing. All fish are looking very healthy and eating well. :) didn't really want to know what the problems were, did you? :unsure:

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