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  1. Q

    What to breed?

    What about Kribs, or you could send for Killi eggs through the post if they aren't available near to you.
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    Problems since switching to sand

    When I do exactly what you are describing I use a simple syphon, (actually a length of hose about four foot long and half an inch in diameter) There is plenty of suction and the top up of water into the tank acts a water change. All done in one go. If you find the hose lifts too much sand out...
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    Breeding the wild caught

    According to my boys book of knowledge. Herbert Axelrod succesfully bred the coolie loach in 1954. Acanthophthalmus semicinctus. quote" the parents make a bubble nest and each egg is enclosed in a single large bubble. For good results place half a coconut shell upside down on the bottom of the...
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    I left my fish for 5 days

    Sorry Karah's_Mommy, and this is definately not meant to be rude but do I take it that you don't have many years of experience.
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    Yet another newbie

    yowsa yowsa yowsa, :hi: to the forum. Quint
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    I left my fish for 5 days

    I left my wife for five days and she was ok, :-( might try a bit longer next time :D :D :D
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    DIY poor mans chiller

    Good idea i think but how will you control the temp?
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    Can I use Peice of ceder driftwood

    Don't see why not. I would boil it first though.
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    artificially raisng eggs for dwarf cichlids

    Need more info to help
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    Breeding the wild caught

    I know its probably wrong butI caught some guppy's on holiday. Anyway I brought them home and bred from them. Ok so they aren't the hardest project to breed but satifying all the same.
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    i want to breed kribs any advise

    Hi Willtang buy this months PFK and check out page 29 The female is on top Quint
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    Fluorescent tubes in community tanks

    Ok Cyprus, from my experiance you need the light for the plants to grow, most community fish are not too bothered about the light, some believe its there for us and not them. I try to give them something close to what they get in the wild. ie daylight & moonlight etc. Some species actualy shun...
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    Summer time

    ok when I say Manchester I actually mean Saddleworth right at the base of the pennines, and bekieve me its throwin it down. Sorry all. Got sidetracked there for a min.
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    Summer time

    Not here Cheese, Wifes just put the fire on.
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    Summer time

    All heaters are thermostaticaly controlled so they will only come on with a temp drop, so there is no need to take them out or switch them off. You must be getting better weather than we get in Manchester cos its thunder, lightening and flooding on mt street at the moment. :(
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    What the hell happened?

    Sorry about your fish, but if you are cleaning the lot don't forget to wash the plants with clean water also. Don't mean to state the obvious but it has been forgotten before. (by me)
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    Just started a new tank in my new apartment

    Hi Dave, That tank looks spot on. :hi: to the crazy place
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    Tropical Fish Virgin

    Hi Mike and :hi: how big is the tank size wise, cos the sounds like a lotta fish to me. Still if if aint broke don't fix it. :)
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    Home Made Python.

    Nice 1 Nic, So this fancy python is basically a bit of hose and a y connector. Easy-peasy. Tanks :D
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    Under tank heating

    Ok ncjharris I see where you are comming from but you would only need one water temp sensor to open and close a 2 port valve. That would sort out the basic heat level, then should you require any hotter tanks you have a choice of either small electric heaters or make the valve a 3 port and run a...
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    Zebra PLecs

    Yeah too far for me too :-(
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    Under tank heating

    Ok just got the idea off "afishinacage" don't want to highjack the thread but....... Has anyone tried this, I was thinking of actually installing a small central heating boiler in my soon to have fish house. But instead of a radiator and space heating the room I could run a series of copper...
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    DIY Undergravel Heating Cables

    I had thought about it cheaper than space heating. Are you talking about one tank or a few?
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    Zebra PLecs

    Has anyone seen the Zebra plec in this months PFK. Yip-yo absolutely awesome, got to get me some of those. Speaking from a man thats never had plecs thats quite a revelation. £65 price tag though is a bit steep :rolleyes:
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    Newby say hello

    Hooked, another one bites the dust. :hi: to the forum. I'm beginning to think most of us are mad so hang around for a while and judge for yourself......... :crazy: :D
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    A level design project

    It sounds like you guys are talking about a ful BMS (business management system) for your tanks, well, Seimens and Torre Andover make the controlers that would do the job. It is basicaly a small computer that fits inside a box. You have to hard wire from this to the sensors that are fitted into...
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    Need help to identify fish

    The first one looks like Hypostomus punctatus, basic colouration yellowish brown, with a pattern on dark brown dots. the fins may also have dark dots. If the above describes your fish the its Hypostomus punctatus, Come from the Amazon basin and can grow to 12 inch in the wild. Hope this...
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    ok Danny deg c to deg f = devide by 5 multiply by 9 and add 32 and hey presto eg 20 degc = 4x9=36 +32 = 68 deg f You guys are lucky. We Brits have the heating on all the time
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    Home Made Python.

    I just read your post on heating up a tank........ brain and diy skills. Did you miss out on the good looks or have you got the full package? :D :D
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    Just a quickie! How long does it take a tank to

    Wow-wee....... I am very impressed that is some brain you got there nice 1 ncjharris
  31. Q

    Home Made Python.

    Yeah me too, I don't even know what one looks like and why not use buckets and syphon? Come on if its that good let all us Brits know :thumbs:
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    My advise would be to leave it alone now, Just keep an eye on it and don't panic .......all will be ok :D
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    If you have a temp problem then this could have induced the birth!!!!!!!!
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    You can leave it open for a while, but what has caused the temp to rise? Is it in direct sunlight or is the heater faulty?
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    Tokis is spot on except if your heater thermostat is working properly there is no need to take it out cos it wont be on anyway.
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    Hi Trace. I guess thats another person hooked on fish :) Watching them grow is facinating and makes it all worthwhile. when are you planning on getting your next tank he he he :kana:
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    What fish do you have?
  38. Q

    Finally it's setup

    Congrats on the new tank. It must be nice. Where is the other end of your python ? and how does it work ? Having never seen one I not sure why they are so good. :S