Fluorescent tubes in community tanks


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Hi all,
In both my tanks I have two fluorescent tubes - one for "normal" daylight, and one more expensive one for " plant growth" - (please don't ask the tube details - I cannot read them :( ) . The tubes can be switched on and off independently.
Both my tanks have natural plants, and both are mixed peaceful community.
Below are my current stocking levels.

Small tank - 65 cm x 40cm x 45cm - This tank has a "side" filter unit - the measurements I have given are purely for fish swimming space, NOT including the filter area.
4 x Platy – Male
10 x Neon Tetra
10 x Serpae Tetra
4 x Bronze Coryodora

Large tank - 100cm x 50cm x 50 cm - This tank has a "box" type top filter unit - plus an external filter fitted in the underneath cabinet. The measurements I have given are purely for fish swimming space, NOT including the filter area.

7 x Dwarf Gourami
20 x Neon Tetra
10 x Rummy Nose Tetra
10 x Cardinal Tetra
4 x Bronze Coryodora
PLUS - Two Discus to be added tomorrow.

I have done my calculations re stocking levels for pro rata size on the Community Creator site - ( http://www.thinkfish.co.uk/joined.html ) and it appears from this that I am well understocked, so, no problems there.
All the fish seem happy, healthy, and active.
I use a dual magnet to clean the glass - ( I do not like the sucking catfish ) - I find it very effective for this job,
I hope all the above is clear, and I would welcome views as to "lighting up times " , and, on restricting algae growth on plants.
I have only been keeping fish for about 6 weeks, and, I realise that I have lots to learn - albeit I am trying hard to improve my knowledge.
My Nitrogen cycle is completed - zero readings for Ammonia and Nitrite, and traces of Nitrate only just beginning, although have read that live plants help in keeping nitrate levels down - is this true ?
My Ph is always between 6.5 to 7 - temperature around 27-28, sometimes rising to 29 - I live in the Mediterrannean, so, sometimes difficult to keep the ambient temperature below 29 even with the AC on.
My question is this.
How many hours a day should I keep the lights on ?- I have read that it should be about 50% on - 50 % off - but, also, that it is a good idea to turn the lights off when I am not at home in order to restrict algae growth on the plants.
I have not had algae growth on the plants as yet, and I have little knowledge of plants - but, I would obviously like to restrict algae growth providing this is not harmful to the fish.
I hope I have given you sufficient information to advise me.
Ok Cyprus, from my experiance you need the light for the plants to grow,
most community fish are not too bothered about the light, some believe its there for us and not them. I try to give them something close to what they get in the wild.

ie daylight & moonlight etc.
Some species actualy shun the light such as ciclids who like to go in caves an such.

hope this helps.

If it helps, here are the available fish volumes for the two tanks if I have done my sums right !!
Volume in litres: 250
Volume in imperial gallons: 54.99945
Volume in US gallons: 66.0502
Volume in litres: 104
Volume in imperial gallons: 22.879771
Volume in US gallons: 27.476883
A bit of lateral thinking !
I do realise that Discus are difficult to keep - I am VERY keen to try, but, not at the expense of causing disharmony - I am especially keen on my Dwarf Gourami - they are so beautiful, swim happily in the middle to top, and, play together happily - I am a little worried that the Discus may make them shy, and hide - at the moment they are beautifully peaceful and active - what do you think ?
What about adding about a small shoal of 6 rosey or cherry barbs - ( are these one and the same fish ? ) - I believe some barbs can be fin nippers - are these two ok ?
If all the advice I am given is that Discus are too difficult, and incompatible with the Dwarf Gourami, then I will not stock them - has anyone stocked Discus with Dwarf Gourami ?
Would Angel Fish be an alternative to Discus as a "show" fish , again bearing in mind compatibility - I am VERY happy with my existing fish, and, they are my priority.
How about adding two Dwarf Gourami to the smaller tank as a "species" fish ?
After considerable thought I have decided against adding a pair of Killer Sharks - ( JOKE - honestly !!! ) :p
All other suggestions greatly appreciated.
I confess I am reluctantly coming to the view that maybe Discus are gooing to be too difficult and problematic with my other fish.
What views on rosey or cherry barbs as an addition ? - would they be compatible ?
I think I may go the "safe" route and keep the Dwarf Gourami as my "showfish", and combine with a nice variety of peaceful shoaling fish - any other thoughts ?
I love the advice I get here - THANKS :)

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