Need help to identify fish


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
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Hertfordshire, England
Hi All,

We would like to set-up our new tropical aquarium to best suit all its inhabitants but as yet, are unable to identify two of the fish. Can anyone help?



Thanks all.

Ken and Debbie.
Yeah the first one looks like a plec or catfish of some sort and the second a rainbow
The first one looks like Hypostomus punctatus,

basic colouration yellowish brown, with a pattern on dark brown dots. the fins may also have dark dots.

If the above describes your fish the its Hypostomus punctatus,

Come from the Amazon basin and can grow to 12 inch in the wild.

Hope this helps.......Quint :D
I can't help on the fist one atm but
the second one is a New Guinea Red Rainbowfish Glossolepis incisus
i think the first maybe a juvinile Harlequin sharkminnow Labeo cyclorhynchus
at least the mottling and mouth parts remind me of one.
if not then I'm stumped, maybe a loach of some kind :dunno:
The first fish photo is some kinda loach. Where as the second picture is a species of Melanotaenia or Glossolepis (Australian\ New Guinea rainbow fish) as to which one I'm unsure.
The first fish has an adipose fin. It can't be a CAE and it isn't a loach I have ever seen before. In fact, I can't recall any botia, acanthophthalmus or aconthopsis loach that has an adipose fin (the extra fin behind the dorsal just before the tail) and those are the most common genus you can get, except maybe the weather loach/dojo but that's no weather loach. It can't be a sharkminnow either. IMO, it doesn't look like the plec mentioned earlier either. If anything, I would say it's some kind of unusual loach but I don't realy know what exactly.

As for the 2nd, The Wolf and bloozoo have it. It should be in a group of at least 6 and gets to 5" or so so they will need a pretty big tank (at least a 40 gallon or so) to be comfortable.
Thanks Sylvia.

The info on the New Guinea Red Rainbowfish was invaluable. Would I like to meet the person who sold these fish to our neighbour :angry:

We tried to identify all the fish at our local aquatic store (in fairness, we didn't have the pictures at that time) and the size of tank they recommended was in fact a size smaller that the one we bought, 63 litres. If only we had known then what we know now.

From what you say, it would be kinder to find someone who has Rainbowfish and would be prepaired to add our fellow to their aquarium.

We will monitor them for a while first to make sure that they are all fit and well.

Many thanks (or should that be tanks),
Thanks everyone.

The fish in the first picture has now been positively identified as (roll of the drums ...), a Pitball Pleco.

Thanks to all for your help.

Regards to all,
Ken and Debbie. :D
so that's what that first one was! i knew it was some tyhpe of pleco, i just couldn't tell what species.

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