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  1. P

    Different Species Of Ottos - Compatible?

    HI! Was just wondering id different species of ottos are compatible or not? Would they be Ok together? How about ottos and plecos - would a pleco attack ottos? and otos an parotocinclus - are they compatible?
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    2gallon Tank

    do you have a heater in your fish bowl? Or they will just die...
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    Suggestions For A Daytime Active Catfish....

    THX, will have a look. About corys...I will already be buying some for my smaller aquarium so I want something different in this aquarium :)
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    Best Uk Shop For Catfishes (plecos Mostly)

    HI! Where in the uk (or EU) is a shop with a large variety of plecos and other catfishes? Are there any specialized stores? The bigger the better :) also shops that sell some rarer, unusual fish THX
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    Suggestions For A Daytime Active Catfish....

    HI! I know this is tough one but...Can you think of any daytime active species of catfish that would go with male fancy guppies (13) and possibly glass catfish? The tank is 240 liters, that is cca 63 US gallons. there is also a very good chance that there will be a pleco and some algae eaters...
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    What Loach With Guppies?

    HI! Well I am searching for fish to add to my 240 liter tank that would go with guppies. I was thinking about getting some bottomdwellers and just can't decide which one. I was thinking about adding a pleco or a loach of some kind. I am also planing on adding some algae eaters (i like them)...
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    Newly Discovered Catfish

    who did you say the supplier was? what species does he supply? THX
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    What's The Dea With Otos

    Well I bought three ottos for my small tank and one died, but the remaining two are fine. they eat algae and are now becoming more and more outgoing. at first I could hardly see them, they were always hiding, but now they can often be seen on the bootm, rocks, plants and glass eating algae. I...
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    Would Sae Be Ok With Male Guppies?

    HI! Would Crossocheilus siamensis be Ok with guppies (male) or not? Would it harm them - it is quite a lot bigger than guppies but it is an algae eater, right?
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    Glass Catfish - Difference?!

    hum...Then how would I know what the shop has if they only have youngsters?
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    Glass Catfish - Difference?!

    anyone? :unsure:
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    Epactionotus Aky

    HI! I really like these guys and as far as I understand they stay pretty small. Was wondering if I should get a couple of these for my 240 liter tank. They aren't predatory, or are they? (I read they eat algae wafers, just want to be sure)
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    Glass Catfish - Difference?!

    I am planing on adding 6 glass catfish in my 240 liter male guppy tank. I would like to get k. minor as it is said they grow smaller than k.bichiris. But how to tell them apart if the shop doesn't label them correctly? Would they go together with any other small catfish (which would of course...
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    Some Bottomdwellers....

    Thx for the replies. I have been thinking about adding 3 more ottos in my smaller tank, the problem is that now I can't find them anywhere :( I had trouble finding them in the first place - all the shops would sell was CAEs...I would have bought more otos then but they only had three left. I...
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    Some Bottomdwellers....

    HI! I have guppies in both my 54 liter and in my 240 liter tanks. In the small tank I also have two otos. I would like to add some bottom feeders in my aquaria. In the small tank the gravel is a bit bigger (5mm) but it doesn't have sharp edges. In my larger tank, the gravel is 2-3 mm big. I...
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    Internal Juwel Filter For 240 Liter Aquarium...

    Well in the end...I bought a new filter which is the same kind that I use for my other aquariums. I know how they work so and I really like them :) THX for the answers anyway, I appreciate it!
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    Internal Juwel Filter For 240 Liter Aquarium...

    THX One more question.... There are two compartments and as far as I understood you put heater in one of them? (which one - the smaller or the bigger - the smaller is more to the side of the aquarium)? Also there is some black I don't know...long and has holes in the end and it can be taken...
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    Internal Juwel Filter For 240 Liter Aquarium...

    HI! So I got second - hand aquarium and it has bout 240 liters (I have a 220 l and comparing it with this new one) but have some troubles...I have this aquarium in my home for 15 minutes now so I didn't get a chance to study it more... Aquarium is Juwel and it came with all the equipment. The...
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    HI! Well I used to keep commons and they were really nice ;) When we first bought them we didn't know much about fish actually...The usual story...Went to a shop an saw some goldies and bought them. We had to buy aquarium and were assured that a 54 liter would be more than enough for our...
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    Plants - Need Help Transporting....

    HI! I bought some aquarium plants here really cheap and now I am not sure how to transport them home...They are not too big and are in plastic jars filled with water now. But I have to transport them by plane so they would be without water for about 6 hours (until packing and unpacking)... I...
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    Male Guppies And Glass Fish

    THX! Well they will be kept with males cause I seperated the females because I have too much fry already...So I will only put a male in the female tank when I will want to have guppets... I was thinking about getting that one (that is now alone in the store) and than go to another store and...
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    HI! I don't currently own any goldfish, but I did have them in my aquarium before. After reading how big tank they requier I gave them away to a pond... But one day I would like to have them again, really. They were my first fish and I don't know I just really like them. So one day I will have...
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    Male Guppies And Glass Fish

    HI! I while back I asked what I could put in with female guppies, now I have a question again. I have a 220 l tank with male guppies and nothing else yet. I really like glass fish (Kryptopterus minor). Could they be kept with my guppies? Would they take normal food along with daphnia, artemia...
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    Exporting, Importing Fish?

    HI! I am going to UK in a few days and I am also planing to go to some pet shops... I am just curious- if I find any fish I like can I import them in my country (it is eu country - slovenia) or are there any special requirements? I am traveling by plane...I guess I couldn't take fish back with...
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    Red Cherry Shrimp Compatibility

    Thanks, will read the link :) I live in slovenia, so germany is a bit far because I am kinda affraid that if I buy live animals, plants there that they won't survive cause it would be quite a long journey for them...Or would they? I have a 20 l plastic transport aquarium, but mm there is no...
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    Red Cherry Shrimp Compatibility

    well I don't intend to breed them, tho a surviving baby here and than would be nice :) Well are ther other shrimps that aren't that shy, don't destroy plants and would be guppy safe? Maybe I will go to austria where they have the biggest aquashop in the world (it is our neighbouring country)...
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    Red Cherry Shrimp Compatibility

    HI! I was thinking about getting a few red cherry shrimps (they are the only shrimps in our stores). They would live in a 20 g tank together with female guppies and possibly some other fish (tetras) and there are also 2 otos in there. I am thinking of buying some for 3 months now :blush: , but...
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    Female Guppies - Want To Add Fish

    THX :) I really like glowlight tetras and cardinals. But I read somewhere that barbs can be nippy ? So I will avoid fighting fish than...
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    Suggestions For Tank Set Up

    Hi! So i have a 220 liter tank now where I will keep male guppies and posibly some other fish too. I would need some ideas how to make this aquarium a proper home. So I was wondering...Do you have any pics of 200 liters aquariums where there is seen where the rocks, the plants are... I have my...
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    Female Guppies - Want To Add Fish

    HI! So my female guppies are now seperated from the males. There are 7 of them and they live in 20 g aquarioum together with two otos. But because female guppies aren't that colorful (tho some are pure yellow and others have a bit colored tails, just not as males) I would really like to add...
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    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    hm about frogs...How would I know if they are ADF not ACF? I mean in our store they are often misslabeled and since they are all youngsters....How could I tell them apart? suzygti - which selection of tetras do you have (you can PM me).
  32. P

    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    HI! Well I also like the look of chichilids (some of them)...So maybe I will look through their list too. And I also like: Oryzias javanicus (rice fish), Gymnochanda filamentosa (glass fish), Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Biotoecus dicentrarchus, Ladigesia roloffi, Poecilocharax...
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    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    hm a risk?! Than no! But it is said that they are for small community tanks - I tought that meant that they go with small fishes? Are you sure about black ghost knife fish? I mean It is big - wouldn't she eat my guppies? I read that they eat convict fish...And in the photo (google) the fish is...
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    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    a candy stripe goby...
  35. P

    Feeding Your Fish Garlic?

    I am feeding my guppies garlic... I bought them in a store, and all but one died from mysterious disease. They died one by one. The remainig fish I started to feed with garlic. Actually I cut the garlic in half and put it in the tank for her to nibble. Than she had babies, and now I have a...
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    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    I will look those species up, thanks. Oh - yes I did go through the link, but my problems are guppies - as you pointed out...I don't know which from the link are compatible with them... Will have a look, thanks
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    Hm..would Any Wacky Fish Go With Guppies?

    Ok Thx for the suggestions! I will look for paradise fish (cause I don't know what it is like, unless thid is makropod? )... I have herad about bolivian rams and I also look their look. They are not wacky though :) But You know, I will have to tanks of guppies - would you suggest rams ( if I...
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    What Kind Of Fish?

    THX, but do you know which variety? :unsure: Cause I looked at pinned posts and none of them looked like this fish...
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    What Kind Of Fish?

    What kind of fish is it? I think it is some kind of goldfish... THX